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So had written a blog on basically "Don't put up with shit or shut up."

Too many people like to complain, but don't do anything solid to CHANGE things...Good or bad sometimes change is needed.

So trying to stay close to my word, I sat and thought about a couple of small things that were recently bugging me that I had ALLOWED to fester.

Stupid stuff TBH.

1.  I had given a neighbor some salsa in this cool metal bowl with a lid, he then took it to his mom to share...8 MONTHS AGO...I would remind him often to please return it, since he sees her a few times a week...He would always promise to and then get back and apoligize for forgetting it.

If you are IMPORTANT to someone they LISTEN to what you are asking for...Problem is some people see politeness as a weakness and that means they listen, but they don't HEAR.

So I on Wednesday, I told him I wanted his Mother's Address because I was going to pick it up THAT DAY...That I thought it was bullshit that I had to keep repeating myself like some fucking idiot and that he was beyond disrespectful.

I may have used some "Choice" words.

He stuttered apoligized, ran to his Mother and brought it back...I open the door and he hands it to me with a smile and apoligizes for the wait.

I then go on a 5 minute cursing rant where I swear I made that man almost cry, followed by a very hard punch to the door as he was looking down as a hurt child.

I literally growled at him...He then ran away...Not exaggerating...He apoligized and ran.

If you ask someone multiple times for something and you are owed that or you tend to help them and they blow you off FUCK EM.

They are disrespecting you, they are not taking you serious, you are but a soft whisper in their ear that they are ignoring...So why have the friendship, relationship, aquaintance? 

Since then he's hid in his house...Good...Fuck em.

2.  Had a lawyer do some paperwork that needed to be notarized back in November, anything he asked was done automatically and he was paid that day yadda yadda yadda...I don't bother the man nor rushed the man but we're in January.

Where the fuck is my documentation that I paid for?

I call and he didn't answer so I literally told him:

"Call me or I'll go find you."

This isn't Saul from "Get Saul." this is a bonifide, well known and respected lawyer...But fuck him too.

Now I'll have it signed, dotted, crossed and sealed and stamped this Monday.

He wanted to have someone drop it off...I told him "No, I'll go pick it up from you."

No arguement, but I could feel his discomfort, because sometimes people take nicities and politeness for weakness.

Just by FORCING the situations I've CHANGED things that have been stagnant for months...I shouldn't have to give off Violence Vibes, but sometimes some people don't do shit till they realize:

"Hey this motherfucker is serious and he looks like he wants to beat my ass!"

Then suddenly things get done.

 I'm glad I wrote that blog because it reawakened something in me, that in order to subdue men you have to INTIMIDATE THEM.

Mold them to your will.

If you are small or not very imposing there are still plenty of ways to force people to do things without looking like an ex-con.

But NO WHINING, NO PLEADING, NO MAKING EXCUSES for people...Be willing to be forceful.

I had mentally fallen asleep since it wasn't a big thing and that's on ME.

I forgot you have to stay ready to get shit done.

I am NOT sorry I scared them...Not one fucking bit.


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