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Someone Needs a Beat Down


School Board Member Sworn In On Stack Of Gay Books Instead Of Bible

I'm not even tripping on not wanting to use the bible, use a Quran or Torah, Constitution, or a book which holds value to you but INAPPROPRIATE books?

While you are sworn in TO BE A MEMBER OF THE SCHOOL BOARD?

For children???

I hope he gets his ass beat...For being a pedophilia pushing weirdo...Why would you libs elect human garbage like this?

Was he wise and an excellent member of the team like Pete "I love Penis" Buttigieg? 

Best Transportation Secretary ever right?

I love that video of that fag, getting off near the capitol off his multiple car caravan of SUVs then strapping on a bike helmet and pretending to ride to work and from work.

He didn't.

He just wanted to appear to do it in front of the camera...While the SUVs paced him.


What a hero!


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