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What Grinds My Gears (Part Un)


1. I was watching some show and they made a big deal about macroons on it...I've had them about half a dozen times in my life...Even once fresh from Paris and that shit is ALWAYS stale and/or tasteless.

Fuck Macroons and fuck Macron.

(Ya see what I did there?)

2.  When I take gummies the word "Chili-Beans" makes me laugh...Don't ask...It just sounds funny.

3.  I like big whiskey shots, but that kid bartender at the bar was trying to kill Noodles...You ever get a shot where you go "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck."

4.  I now know why that the Mayans where I'm at did not build those giant Pyramids, or somehow do astrophysics using a stick and dirt.

I had been walking with a Mayan friend and she just started crossing into a busy street and I yelled "Careful you might get hit!"

She replied "They have to stop."


They leave their cars running with their kids in the car, windows down, keys in the ingnition, purse on the seat...Seen it so many times.

They do stuff that will only work HERE, but anywhere else these people would basicallyt be Human DoDos, zooming on mopeds with shorts and flip flops on.

Very nice people but NO FUCKING way they were doing genius level math and setting up their pyramids PERFECTLY with stars that aren't even visible with a telescope.

5.  I saw an article by some reporter saying that Trump once said that he liked "First Class Pussy."

Errrrrrm how terrible. 

Yeeeeah not sure what man doesn't think that unless it's Elliot Page...Strapping young man!

That guy is going places!


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