Have a great chiro and masseuse, but my waist hurt...It wasn't a muscle, ligament, nerve or bone issue it was EVERYTHING.

So went to a step above that...These are old school healers that pull, push, bend to put the tendons/ligaments/nerves to where it was supposed to be.

This old man specialized in waists because he did all the mothers who gave birth, since they have waist issues due to the hips being displaced due to the birth.

Not that Noodles has ever given birth to aything.





How about my "Your time is almost up sir please put the money on the dresser and I'll see you next Tuesday LOVE MAKING SKILLS? 

So I get there, he warms up my body, then he has one son pull my legs while the other pulls me from under my armpits...Then the Doctor start manually pushing in every vertebra out of place with his thumbs.

Then he gets under the hip bone and puts whatever the fuck was out of place and stuck out of where it was being pinched.

Not saying I don't hurt...I should be a bit swollen for a few days, the pain has sunsided and I feel better.

Was much more than the masseuse and chiropracter, it feels like it fixes the issue not just calms it if that makes sense.

I'm sitting here on the sofa...Relaxed but also weirded out since I CANNOT remember the last time my waist didn't ache.

I'm telling you, some of these people have healing hands as opposed to just popping pills or doing terrible PT exercises that just work for a few hours.

Only been about 4 hours...I'll comment later if it lasts for more than a week or if it returned.

Also if you got a bad back:

  1. CHANGE YOUR MATTRESS...100% worth it even if you're broke...Buy that shit on credit.
  2. Good shoes that aren't worn down on one side...Wear sturdy shoes.
  3. Gel inserts
  4. Stretch as much as possble

Those 4 things will fucking change your life.

Or don't and be in pain for years and years complaining about it.

We are the Masters of our Fate.

If you're broke...Have your BF/Husnaband/GF/Wife learn techniques...Nothing this man did was complicated...It was just basic decompression by pulling and pushing things back in.

Simple and natrual beats meds.