Great parable...People get too uppity...Tell G-d to shove it and decide to build their own Heaven on Earth.

So G-d crushes them and spreads them to the wind.

Why would I bring up some biblical fairy tale?

Well because TODAY everything G-d created man is trying to "Make better."

Fake grass, fake food, fake meds, fake reality, fake celebrities.

Teachers who don't teach, doctors who don't cure, military that doesn't protect etc.

No, I don't want nano particles in the atmosphere to supposedly protect us.

No, I don't want to eat cricket burgers and roach milk.

No, I don't want to live in a tiny parcel of land and not be allowed to travel more than 15 minutes without permission.

No, I don't trust ANY of the vaccinations approved by the NIH, CDC and FDA.

No, Ukraine isn't the good guy...Nor is America wonderful.

No, allowing all these cultures into Western Civilization a good thing as those mongrels can't seem to behave and appear to be leeches all over the UK/Ireland/the EU and the US and Canada.

What do I SERIOUSLY think will happen?

Collapse of the Western Nations on purpose, flooded with the mongrels of the world, drowning us in poverty and sertitude to whomever is pulling the levers.

Cities in flames with violence and crime.

Complete devestation of the White Community as their men become even bigger bitches and die out and their women are spread to others.

Loss of culture, art, music, literature, Protestant Work Ethic etc in exchange for "Diversity."

Where at the end, the Left will stand on a pile of rubble and claim they have no idea how it got so bad that there is no food, fuel, or energy.

But...I'm okay with it.


Because those that are too stupid to stop it, say anything or help don't deserve my pity.

They won't even protect their kids and themselves...Why should I worry about them?

So let this all happen and the pattern will be...Destruction, collapse, die off, rebirth.

About 30 years from now.

Evil is not only winning right now...It has already won.

But it's because shit will get so bad that the people who are aware will be given a purpose, a goal and a real life.

Most smart people who know, just suffer, work, go home and sigh.

This will push them to grow and be strong or die.

That simple.

No safety nets pretty soon...Swim or drown...Up to you.

No more people talking about what they would do as opposed to be doing it right now.


It's going to get crazy weird..If you think we hit peak weird then you don't read history.

Only way this ends is with a Purge from both sides and a huge drop in population due to it.


While they hide in huge compounds around the world waiting for the dust to settle...Trust me, you and I aren't invited to that party.

But things never go as planned and I think too many of them actually did get vaxxed except the very top people...So it's pretty much going to decimate our population to fractions of what it was in Europe and the Westernized Countries.


I will get to see the collapse of Western Civilization not done by a catastrophic act of nature, a rampant virus, a violent war or some sort of famine...But caused by a human hand.

But if you make it to 2030...Then you'll see what I see and be so much better prepared.