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The Fucking Weird Get Weirder


So now there is an uptick in people who had been trans also becoming...Are you ready for this?

Pretend Handicap.

It's called "Transableism"

Where they are now disabling themselves to be handicap.


Yes of course it's mostly autistics...Just like with the trans movement.

Man they are going to get wiped out by Elites and at this point?

Fuck em.

I shouldn't have to tell you that you should get a second opinion if you think your 8 year old should be on hormone blockers and I shouldn't have to tell you not to chop off your penis without having a mental health accessment or not make yourself handicap for no apparent reason.

But if you won't listen?

Then do it.

Cut the spinal cord, put acid in you eyes, chop this or that off because obviously that's totally normal.

And yes a few are doing that and unfortuneatly, I think it might pick up speed with copy cats.

People are so mallable...Willing to do the most ridiculous things on a whim.

So fuck it, they want to culll themselves?

They get mad when they're told "No?"

Fine cull yourselves I guess.




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