Oh just the fact, that Germany is slated to shut down 90% of it's churches in the next 10 years.


Fuck em...Terrible weak Catholics in Europe...Garbage Catholics.

Sit there as "Asylum Seekers" destroy their churches, sit there while their daughters are raped and their sons beat up.

Just sit there.

In the old days, the heads of all that garbage from North Africa and the middle east would have littered the countryside on pikes.

So they want to be weak and victims and accept every abuse?  Then they will disappear.

That and of course protecting rapists or child molesting priests?

Their time has ended...But guess who is getting stronger?

MUCH stronger?

The Greek and Orthodox Church...I love their traditions.

"And their anti-semitism too I bet!  You Nazi!"-People who think I care

Probably...It's a nice detail.