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So was listening to this great podcast by this black guy breaking down sugar and how much of a poison it is...He gave stats, data, medical info on how the body reacts to it.

It's fucking terrible!

I already knew most of it, being Noodles once upon a time did a year at La Sierra University, the sister school to Loma Linda...Which for my money was Top 3 in Dieticians in THE WORLD.

Those 7th Day Adventists are like the Wu Tan Clan...Nothing to fuck with...In nutrition.

I dormed there and they served organiic multigrain bread, fresh juice, no meat, organic veggies, soy meat/milk/cheese, fresh organic fruit, coffee made from wheat, no pepper/spices and I'm 100% sure they were givng us salt peter to keep us from getting horny etc.

I have NEVER looked so sick, been so weak or been as hungry as when I went there.

Healthy food is not for Noodles.

But I knew sugar is actually fucking terrible.

So I was all pumped about the podcast and was going to try to cut sugar, but then had a glass of cold, freshly made sweet tamarinido juice.

And that shit was so good...I looked like Antonio Banderas doing this and then I thought:

"Yeah sugar is terrible, but you know what else is terrible?  No fucking sugar in my coffee, drinks or deserts...Fuck that!"


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