Obviously, many of the regulars here were at one point part of either Vampirefreaks, GothicMatch, GothWire etc etc etc back in the day.

Some going back to when I originally joined VF in what was THE GOLDEN AGE OF VAMPIRE FREAKS. (Early 2000's)

Amazing times...THOUSANDS of Alt/Goths/Emos/Screamos/Death Metal, Stoners/New Wavers/Elder Goths etc all jumbled up like gumbo in a pot of pedofiles, drug addicts, criminals, rebels, amazing people, girl's with Daddy Issues and all around mentally ill people.


So many dramas!  Love/Hate online relationships, stalking, Butthole pictures for Goth Tripp Jeans, Titty Tuesdays, murders, suicides, 5150 psych holds.

Anyways, what was always happening is everyone there said:

"I'll never change!  I'll always be a rebel!  I will never conform!  I will always take the path least travelled!   Arrrrrgggg!  I want to cut so bad!"

All those people are now fat, bloated, lazy people with children doing NONE of what they said they were going to do and their only rebellion is getting extra soda on the way out of the McDonald's to save for later.

Just playing PS5 after doing a shift somewhere, hoping that their Mexican Connection came through on some good pot or pills cus you "Don't want to sound racist but" you don't want to buy from the blacks because they step on it, short you or cheat you on it.

And I seriously wonder:


We all outgrow things...But do we really change?

I'm still pretty much as suspicious of everything, trust nothing to the point I'm in Jungle Country on the Yucatan Peninsula in another country, contemplating taking an ecstasy pill, cooking, cleaning and listening to 80's music.

Not even talking about the drugs or alcohol...I'm just talking does anyone LEFT HERE actually live a Punk life besides the Pretty Rainbow Brite Tatted Blonde?  Or maybe the Mexican guy with the masks who's into the Cyberpunk thing?

Any Europeans still living it?

South Americans?

Americans or Canadians?