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The Time The Media Manipulated Me


The year was 1993 and I wasn't the Paranoid Suspicious Conspiracy Hack that I am today.

That year some dude went to trial for molesting a small boy...Well his Mom, Ms. Nesler snuck in a gun to court and executed him with 5 bullets to the head.


But I wasn't who I am today...The media kept repeating that it was bad to demand revenge.

That we should accept everything and allow the law to take care of justice.

Mind you this fuck had more than a few convictions for the same thing...Soooooooo maybe they're full of shit with their "Let the law take care of it."

They then brought all these legal scholars, then they brought out the fact the lady had some petty convictions for drug possession.

Basically smudged her up...Made her look like some white drug addicted piece of shit hillbilly, so that people would turn away from what she had done and do the opposite.

Years later and a whole lot of experience under my belt I appalaud the lady for having had the courage to do what was needed and protect OTHER children.

People forget, decades ago dudes were raping and molesting and it was just misdemeanors...Dudes were getting caught time and time again, doing minimal time and doing it again.

She saved future victims...She's more of a hero than most of us will ever be...RIP.

But at the time, I allowed the media to convince me to just sit and patiently let bad people get away with shit, in the hopes that Law Enforcement would do their jobs, the courts wouldn't be too leniant and that the piece of shit had learned his lesson.

Same happened when the FBI and the Media went after Richard Jewell who actually saved people during the Atlanta Olympic Bombing...He found the explosive and warned people away from the area and they went after him as a Try Hard, a liar, a terrorist and ruined that man's life only later to discover he was a fucking hero.

NEVER TRUST THE MEDIA...They are paid whores at the bidding of whomever wants to influence society.

Hence how in the EU/UK/Oz/Nz/Canada/US they can get away with banning any hard data on the C-19 Vaccine and anyone that questions the numbers, the methods or their constant barage of lies is accused of being a Russian Spy, a liar, crazy etc.

The media has sold their soul.

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