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So a Pal Partner of Mine


And I used to argue before the 2020 Election.

I assumed that Biden would ruin the economy, spike gas prices, cause us to get into wars and let assholes get away with massive crime and destruction.

He went the other way and said it was Trump that was doing all that and that Biden would be a stabilizing force for America.

That was November of 2020.

I remember once Biden got in and started signing EO orders arguing with him about the inflation it would caused, he laughed at me, said everything was fine and Covid was to be defeated yadda yadda yadda.


I think I won that arguement although I didn't really want to win...I get fucked in the process too.

However, fuck it right?

So he was at the time 55 and going to retire at 58 and sell his house and move to South Carolina yadda yadda yadda.

He had been sticking money into 401K, his house, 457K, savings and working crazy OT...80 to 96 hours a month of OT.

Well in this past year, he's lost about $200K.

His house won't sell, the houses he was looking at have gone up, his savings in the bank are worth 15%-25% less and his retirement earnings are in the negative.

He now needs to work till 60, he's double jabbed and will probably be triple jabbed soon.

Imma going to watch all this Bullshit Crash and Burn while drinking a Cold Mexican Pepsi in a Glass Bottle.



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