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Went to Univ. of San Francisco Today


Where I'll be on Wednesday doing a lil TA work...Beautiful University and their Cathedral was amazing!

St. Ignatius 

Sat and listened to a staff meeting minding my Ps and Qs being I looked like I had just got out after doing 25 for murder.

Flannel shirt, black jeans, wrap around sunglasses, tats on neck, Vans.

I listened to the Masters of Academia, those Titans of Higher Learning, the Wise Men of Noble Words and?

They started off and I'M NOT KIDDING with an Indigenous Land Acknowledgement...Followed by two hours of babble trying to vote on something to name something, where none of them agreed on anything and kept trying to find something to disagree with, to be followed by another meeting in late February.

Yes they were ALL Liberal Arts People.

Oh my God...In 2 hours they accomplished zerrrrrrrrro.

Then some white guy made a passionate speech about how he wants the students to have a say on it because yadda yadda yadda...But no one was arguing against that.

This was like making a passionate argument AGAINST suckerpunching your Nana, or kicking puppies, or giving a baby shots of tequila.


Then acting like you saved the day.



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