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Mad Love For Gothwire


Sometimes I write stuff that would usually embarress others to say outloud because of social norms, unpopularity of the opinion with general concensus. 


Absolutely, don't believe all my ideas are correct, nice or condusive to being popular...Nothing is 100%...But whatever good or bad crap I spiel is my honest thought on the subject.

I don't hedge my opinions to see what would make me seem like the nicest Noodles:

I 100% am thankful for GW for allowing the free exchange of thoughts on subjects that would get you banned on FB, Twitter, Imgur etc etc.


Only people I feel bad for is White People...Some of you sometimes agree with me, but can't really like or even comment for fear of being called  racist, bias or a bigot...EVEN IF YOU'RE NOT.

You let them put you in a little box and tell you what you can think or say...You let them brush off your opinions because "Oh you don't know shit!  You're White!"

Even though odds are you live rougher, poorer and are more Blue Collar than them.

I'll get the usual 4-5 guys commenting or agreeing with me, but some hide their identity and others have to play that part since forever they been telling everyone they're "Wild Outlaws! And Rebels!"

What Noodles is telling some of you who feel bad for being White or thinking you can't have an opinion because of your skin color.

Fuck that.

It's alright to be White.

I remember talking to this cute girl in College years ago and I of course gave my linage and asked her hers...She was ashamed to say she was "Just Irish German."

Fuck that.

Be proud of who you are and where you came from...Don't let the bastards grind you down.

I mean unless you're Welsh then yeah sorry to hear that.






Nach Verein filtern
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