So last week a I was sleeping next to my girlie...I wasn't drunk, high, angry, hadn't fought, ate greasy or watched a scary movie.

I was deeeeeeeeep in sleep all warm and happy with my fat cat at my feet.

THEN a fucking spirit/ghost/demon or whatever yelled at me from behind me...I felt the vibrations of the yell on my bald head.

I instantly woke up and looked behind me and NOTHING of course.

Room didn't feel spooky so I went back to sleep.

I played it off mentioned a little bit, but left it alone because it was like Rated G Scary...I've felt BAD spirits before and the room gets freezing and you can feel a stare in the dark...Now THAT's SCARY.

Anyways, about two nights ago, I was nice warm and happy asleep and something yelled at me, like it was standing by me, watching me and I HEARD IT.

It wasn't a fuzzy, sleepy drowsy "I think I heard something."


Talking to my gf yesterday turns out she had the same EXACT experience in her house the night before.

She actually caught a glimpse of whatever it was before it disappeared and guess what?

My guess YESTERDAY at what it looked like was EXACTLY what she saw the day before.

I got a sense that it was female, youngish, curvy body with shoulder length curly wavy brown hair...Think of Russian Peasant woman.

Turns out that's what she saw.

Hmmmmmm?  WTF?

Something like this, but with wavier hair, a little bit older: