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That Could Have Got Awkward


So needed an electrician and called my landlord who sent one...He was giving me the info on the electrician and said goodbye.

I thanked him and went to hit the "Thumbs Up" Emoji, but my thumb touched the "Kissy Face" Emoji.

I noticed a milisecond before I sent it!

I can imagine the scene afterwards unfolding if I had sent it...Like a Love Story for the ages!

LL:  "Hey ...... I saw that "Kissy Face" you sent.  Errrm what's that about?  You coming on to me like I'm queer?"

Noodles:  "Oh no!  I'm sorry that was just a typo, I accidently hit that!  I'm sorry for the confusion!"

LL:  "Confusion?  What about the lies you tell yourself to believe you didn't mean to do that! 

Denile is more than a river in Africa! 

Whatever!  I wasn't even interested!" 

(He sobbed as he hung up to a very confused Noodles).

(Annnnnnd scene ends)


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