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Family of woman UNALIVED by illegal migrant now suing Biden administration for $100 million

Just wait till they start "Liquidating Domestic Terrorists" who dislike Open Borders, Gay agenda and who think criminals should be punished etc.

They Left/Right is changing the language of things in order to put your dumb ass back to sleep.

In fact, Speaker Johnson is a trap...A ruse...A ploy...A patsy.

They chose him because they knew he would push Anti-Abortion Legislation so they could get all the left to vote against their self-interests.

Only ones that care about that are the Religious Right, so they paint all of us with that brush, get you to still vote Dem even as they fuck up your city, county or state.

If the Republicans just said:  "Nah, do what you want."

Then the left wouldn't have that to use that...They'd jump on the fag train and say they have to vote for the left because the Right is mean to men in dresses and other men who apparantly love cock in their mouths so much they got a WHOLE month to show their pride in it.

So courageous...So inspirational!


Keep that garbage out of my face and life and go on your way.

By the way, "UNALIVE" in this case means brutally raped and killed by some piece of shit illegal alien.


So every time you read a MSN story read the adjectives being used.

The opinions that they try to make seem like it's fact.

Keep your eyes open for the Darkness comes...Even though honestly, I know most of you won't, you'll ignore it and 5 years down the line you'll wonder why you're eating crickets, drinking sewer water and walking 15 miles to get to work because the Electric buses aren't working and you can't afford a car.



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