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How to Detect Female Bots



Female bots. They're everywhere.  If you're male, there's a good way to tell the difference between a female bot and a real female.  

1. The AI female bot will be super friendly. Some real females are also friendly, but she'll stalk you for at least a year first studying you, and she'll definitely complain about something going on her life, her past, et cetera.  [Later she'll project whatever harm was done to her onto you, but that's another story!] But AI female bots are almost always friendly, or at least friendlier than real females.   Many real females are only friendly if they're being paid to do it.

2. The AI female bot will reply fast, while the real female will sometimes take a month or two to respond, if she responds at all, and only if she's not shopping that day!


3.  Here's another important indicator.  The name has the wrong gender!  Example:


4.  Sometimes, it's even more obvious: 

Hopefully, this helps you to identify AI female bots!

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