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So Was Talking To My Sis Yesterday Annnnd


She was telling me how she feels discriminated against from all sides.

Now Noodles KNOWS there's racism...I've had a few things happen over the years, but what people don't realize is THAT'S FUCKING NORMAL.

I mean when some black yells at some white chick and calls her slurs it's the same as if a white guy called a black something.

One is not worse that the other.

So anyways, my sis and I have different fathers.

She's dark complextion with black hair and Hispanic features...I got my Meztiso genes and came out very white, especially if I get no sun and look more half Asian than Hispanic...That and I'm 6 foot and 200lbs usually.

So when my sis goes to a nice place they don't take her seriously because she looks hispanic, even though she's done very well.

Then when she goes to the Hispanic neighborhoods they're rude to her because she's done well, but looks like them...Like they get mad that she drives a nice car or pays with cash.

I don't fucking get it???

I never really dealt with that because, whites don't fuck with me, they're rude in passive aggressive ways, but I have never got into it with one over words...We stay in our lanes, while Hispanics usually think I'm white and are shocked I speak Spanish.

So the weird part is some Hispanics dislike whites because of the poor pay for heavy work or maybe even jealousy...But they want to be them.

Even blacks do it as do Asians...Color contacts, highlights, dyed blonde hair, dressing white etc.

Watch Spanish TV and they''re trying to be white.

So what my sister said hit me hard because it means that I usually try to have a quiet nice time, but how many Hispanics hated me because I'm tall?  Light skin?  Appear to have a little bit of money?  Etc etc etc.

But they aren't rude because I'm a male or they're smaller than me?

How much reverse racism or buried aggression have I missed by being oblivious?

I sometimes got a vibe from someone, but it was always someone I'd never see again so I didn't care...Plus they never vocalized it.

But it was probably there...Like my Costa Rican Tour Guide...Him I noticed...That guy had been fucked by life BUT THAT'S NOT MY FAULT AND AFTERWARDS I WAS GLAD HIS LIFE WAS SHITTY.

So after the conversation with my sis, I came to the conclusion that I won't be so nice to people, because it's better to have some space between you and other people who don't really mean anything in your life.

Why bring them in where it becomes an arguement, a fight or drama?

How many people around you smile, but really aren't happy that you're doing well, are happy etc?

Or even honestly in the Hispanic Culture: Height, Skin Color, Ability to speak English etc are coveted qualities.

It's like little kids mad that some new kid has the cool Star Wars lunchbox.

People in Mexico will get mad if you're lightskinned natrually...Some women will walk around with umbrellas, hats and long sleeve shirts, while applying bleaching cream.

I just felt bad for my sis because she honestly sweet and she doesn't have that coming.

So going to nip it NOW and just observe and say less when out and about.

Lately seems like all adults are just like children worrying or caring about OTHER PEOPLE'S THINGS and not minding their own business.

Dis sum bullshit.


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