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So Flying Back To Sac Next Month


Just for a few days and so I like to buy my stuff early, so I bought the tickets.

It sucked, but it wasn't too bad...It was literally cheaper to fly to Istanbul a few years ago than to fly to Sac.

So I had one of those Price Alert things just in case the prices dropped or went up and in the last 3 days...It's gone up $291.

Went up $24 on Tuesday, $24 on Wednesday and then $243 last night.


Crossbrand-footer-kyk-logo.png Flights Hotels Cars Packages
Price Alert
Mérida (MID) to Sacramento (SMF)
Wed, March 29 – Sun, April 9
Prices just increased by $243.

And I bullshit you not, a small bag to check in at the airport was $68...But I needed somewhere safe for my yellow and green Fugazi Anal Bead Collection and my Huffington Post Commemorative Plates showing the first time Biden showered with his teen daughter to conserve water...What???

He only did it till she was in her teens!  Conservationist! 

He's like Gretta!  Cares about the environment!

So what if his kids used to call him "Pedo Pete"...Pedo probably was short for Pedometer.

So it was really "Pedometer Pete" because Biden probably liked to walk briskly to get exercise!

After all those Ice Cream Cones you have to take a nice walk...Get the blood flowing...Know what I'm sayin?

Get your mind out of the gutter!

Anyways, all I'm saying airfare has spiked lately.

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