Just read an amazing article that blew me away...It broke down how both authors saw totalitarianism under two different ways but with the same result.

Here's a video with the same points:


The basic point is George saw a dark future with through the use of censorship, arrest, pain and erasing of history and facts the evil ones would rule and control the masses.

Huxley saw a future where through drugs, electronic gizmos and a deluge of information that we would become so desensitized that we wouldn't rebel...We would either ignore or accept things, because we could pop a SOMA, play a video game or watch some vapid sports contest and forget that we were being led to slavery.

Carrot or the Stick scenario.

Think about it in China, Iran and North Korea they keep control with a heavy hand crushing all hope...Which in turn keeps everyone poor.

Here in the Western Countries we have more, but we gorge ourselves to death with bad food, alcohol, drugs, meds and being lazy.

We literally die of fattness.

We have all kinds of info available, yet I myself will spend quite a time looking at videos of chiahuahuas doing chihuahua stuff.

We can get the info but we CHOOSE to ignore it because as the saying goes:

"Ignorance is bliss"