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2023: Noodles Year of Debauchery


So like I've said many many many times Noodles don't fuck with drugs...But I don't consider hallucegenics drugs.

I know I know I know...Splitting hairs.

But one is made to get you high and forget and usually leads to a downward spiral that leads to you blowing a dude behind a Denny's for a Ham Sammich...That be meth, ANY opiate/narcotic.

Noodles knows plenty of people who cannot function without those and they tend to lead very bad lives...From drama to drama.

Hallucegenics to me are KEYS to the Doors of Perception.

I stand by the definition of:

"The term hallucinate dates back to around 1595–1605, and is derived from the Latin hallūcinātus, the past participle of (h)allūcināri, meaning "to wander in the mind."

Anyone who has known me for a long time knows...I'm always trying to see behind the curtain...I don't accept things for what I'm told.

Be it gummies where I get ideas, start cleaning and cooking while enjoying amazing music...How good are my gummies?

Even Riff Raff's music sounds good on them.

LSD where I ponder about history and politics, where I crave playing Chess just to see if my thought process changes while on it.

Mushrooms which seem to internalize and help you analyze yourself...Literally break yourself down to make changes in your life.

Salvia (Which I'm actually afraid to try even though I have a BUNCH)...That shit has 10 x 20 times the power of LSD and that actually scares me.

And a few that I'm interested in trying just for the experience:

  1. MDMA
  2. DMT

Reason I never took them before was I had a career but now, knowing that everything the FDA said about LSD, Mushrooms, DMT was a fat lie.

That they help with depression, MULTIPLE addictions, PTSD, anger, mental issues etc the FDA/CDC and NIH can go suck a donkey dong.

Why were they so against people realizing the curing powers of self reflection?

Oh because then how is Big Pharma going to make money for synthetic drugs, psych drugs and multiple high cost treatments that don't work?

Imagine a world were Hemp Beer or whiskey was the thing?

Less fights, more laughter, cheaper, less injuries...People just getting along versus drinking and getting in serious trouble.

Imagine being an addict and giving up drugs, what will all those $20-$30k/month rehabilitation centers do then?

Imagine taking mushrooms and realizing why you're always angry and being able to walk yourself through it and letting that anger go?

Where the unemployed psychs theapists, counselors going to work at?

How they going to keep 28% of the population under 35, ADDICTED to sythetic psych meds that dull your mind and keep you quiet?

Think about how many young people take anti-depressants, anti-psychotics and anti-anxiey meds just to make it through the day, as they become zombies and gain 40 lbs...I've seen it so many times.

Not saying there aren't side effects or possible dangers, but really?

Compared to alcohol, cigarettes, narcs/opiates or meth?

Plus the addiction component isn't there, because you're usually spent.

The next day after having an experience you just want to rest, think about what you saw or felt and I don't have a craving to do anything for weeks or months.

To me...Not you, since everyone is different and our mindsets aren't the same obviously...It's like a mental tune up.

A cathartic release.

Not saying I have all the answers, but reflection is good.

I DON'T want to become like Hamilton who you can tell did TOO much.

He's amazing, but dude needs to let his brain cool off.


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