So when I first got to this neighborhood, my schedule would have me go to the local resturant and order a large meal which was actually 2 meals.

Eat my lunch...Relax then go to my corner store where they made alllllllllllllllllllllllllll kinds of Micheladas...Oyster, shrimp, tamarind, habanero, mango and have them make me 2 and usually buy 2 large cold Superior largers.

Read, walk my dog and sip at my Michelada.

A couple of days ago I was at the store and I noticed they had all teh ingredients I needed to make my own.

Today  made my first batch and?


Chili Powder, Chamoy, Tamarind, Salt, Lime, Tapatio and Coooooold Beer with a side of Pico powder.

Is this heaven?