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A Year or Two Down The Line


When the world is in chaos and anarchy over lack of fuel, food.

When the crime rates are off the hook and money is semi-worthless.

When government approved suicide, drugs, alcholism, unemployment, domestic abuse, sex abuse is rampant.

LOL just wait till people realize the spike in infertility wolrdwide.

And mysteriously only vaccinated people keep dying in large numbers...I want you to remember what Noodles has been saying for over 2 decades.

I want you to remember that we are literally sacrificing our children and their futures at the alter of Ba'al.

That we watched it happen and many of us did nothing or we just took the vax and demanded other did too under threat of arrest, fines, lockdowns, prison etc.


And I myself have no empathy for you or your children that you happily injected that poison into.

I watch a shitload of videos of parents and nurses all sad because they now have some weird illnesses or their kids are fucked up after the jab.


Before it was these same people that were glad when my career was threatened, when I wasn't allowed to go basically anywhere in the Bay Area without a vax card...Who demanded I get the vax otherwise "I might kill someone's Grandmother."

Nope didn't get it, won't get it.

I no longer care if people take it or not...I just seriously want to see more bodies hit the floor.

There's quite a few that are...But I want 5 times that amount.

Because that's the only way people will learn or react...WHEN IT AFFECTS THEM.

Some famous Pro-Vaccine Doc just went rogue and everyone is praising him...Fuck him.

Only reason he changed was his father died due to it...It was only when he was personally affected that he woke up.

So nah...Fuck him too.




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