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Each Of Us On Our Own TimeLine


So last Sunday, as my girl and I were driving we were talking about the pending economic collapse.

But everything was sunny, beautiful and packed.

Cars were driving by, resturants were packed...Everything seemed good.

I have never said it would all tumble down overnight...Although the food panic buys and bank runs will be almost instantaneous. 

Remember when Covid hit and stores had security stopping people?  Using stacks of pushcarts as obstacles from looting?

I do...In fact (2) 24/7 stores started shutting down at 10pm...Due to the late night crime and food shoplifting.

Well as Sri Lanka, Lebanon, Sudan, Somalia, Panama, Ecuador, Peru, Bangledesh etc are tittering on collapse...I can see it creepying up.

First the weakest countries will collapse, pushing into the better equipped ones, collapsing them and the cycle goes on.

Like when people overwelm a LifeBoat...You let too many on and EVERYONE DIES.

Do I believe they are trying to make us live like a peon, eat cricket mash burgers, not own a car or home, drink recycled sewer water and use our decomosed bodies as fertilizer?

That's crazy right?


It's happening EVERYWHERE...They literally put up posters telling you what they were going to do...Took votes at the UN and approved it.

Now Europe is fucked for being a bunch of weak fags and allowing it...For shutting down their nuclear plants, gas pipelines and coal mines.

For fucking their farmers who feed them and destroying everything around them.

While at the same time allowing millions of violent apes from the southern continent to go beat, rape and abuse their citizens.


But we're slowly breaking apart...States and even cities are becoming city states and state countries.

When the time comes, some areas will be better prepared, some will starve and head into anarchy.

Hence the reason I'm booging South...Will I survive?

Maybe, but going to have a better chance there than here.

I expect if there is a minor collapse these 2 things:

And Breadlies:

I mean sure at first there will be  food banks, extra money in your EBT etc...But sooner or later when no one wants the dollar what will it mean?

Here's a UN distribution center in Africa being overran:

"Oh Noodles!  That will never happen in the US!"

It totally will in a heartbeat...Some people have not had a job in their entire lives...Some people depend on food, water, utilities, medical care, education, transportation from the Taxpayer.

Some people's families have not worked or been off the dole in EIGHT GENERATIONS.

In fact, almost sure some of you here will have an excuse as to why you can't do anything.

Wellllllllllllllllllll that's not going to go well for you.

So get strong, eat well, exercise, study, learn skills and prep.

Bunch of you think your job means something, although I know for a fact, that many of those jobs take ZERO skills and you have no work ethic.

You better wake up.

It won't be all bad...I expect us to become East Germany circa 1983.

Lots of hunger, anger, music, art, sex, drugs and creativity.

In the worst of times we wake up.

Better love, more real friendships, no more materialism and a lot more gratitude.

So again I say, do somethings to get yourself in order because we all need to survive the next 7-10 years of economic turmoil.

It will be a planet of Haves and a slave population of Have Nots.

To anyone that knows me...I have not changed from this future theory for 22 years and I won't ever.

Especially watching that the straight manipulation of people to take the vax and fuck their health up and teh INSANE DESTRUCTION OF THE ENERGY SECTOR...Which powers our lives, food, jobs and countries.

I fear what's coming...But if the Elites are really exposed...I could see a worldwide purging.

Kind of doubt it though...Not enough people willing to do anything at this point.

Plus to be honest...We have it coming...We allowed a bunch of people leech off of us or have even become leeches ourselves due to our laziness.

This will Cull the Herd and it's up to us to see we rebuild better than before.

You know after we pick up the piles of dead...Not EVERYWHERE...Rich areas will be protected.

For those who think things like this never happen...Man I could show you pics from Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Venezuela, South Africa, Hati etc etc etc that did happen or are happening as we speak.

Put yet as Americans we just sit here and pretend nothing bad is happening.

I'm seting up a second place just in case Mexico gets too wild...I'll come do some Security Work...The rich in many areas need people like me.

They might not like us or want us around, but when things get scary they require our help to protect them.



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