To say we have been stressed the last few days would be an understatement of the last decade. I tend to go above and beyond avoiding the news, but when a war starts, its a tad impossible to avoid.

Especially when its your homeland that pulls this shit.

And they start with civilian targets that are preeettty far off the areas they claim their goal is\was.

What an utter clusterfuck. Question is, is this psychotic dolt blowing fume without any intention of starting the nuclear winter, or is he actually truly mentally unstable now, and fully believes what he spouts..? Tis the million dollar question. Either way, he has effectively Fucked russia for years to come. In true Stalinist fashion too. Hoping that this doesnt result in it all being wiped off the map. But if he starts it... can't blame the world for responding.

I see a lot of westerners, both Canadian and American, run around preaching how they admire putin for his "work". When an inquiry is made into what "work" is that exactly, the responses are usually along the line of "He doesnt take shit and he stands up to usa govt!!!"... Becauusee being stubborn about silly shit is a trait to be admired? There is standing up to bullies like Ukraine is doing currently, and then there is being a closeminded manipulative jackass constantly screaming over everyone "Noiareright" and "mywayoryoushot" without listening to a shred of reason, because narcissism dictates in their minds that coming to any kind of agreement or compromise would mean youre weak somehow. Funny, because reality is that bullies and those who act like it are the true weakest links in terms of psychological standing.

Seems like even the state media can no longer hold onto the propaganda veil back home. People are pissed. They didnt even know their children have been deployed to Ukraine. Over 6 thousand and counting arrested in anti war riots, including our amazing WWII vets, who have been coming out against this shit because they dont want to see more of it. My grandfather is no longer here, but what a fucking insult to his memory and anyone else who fought against the Nazis in the past.

Now the batshit government has made us the nazis. Insane.

I forget which country this was, but a bunch of German tanks from WWII have been sent over to Ukraine, tanks used by the actual nazis back in the day will now be used against the nazis of today. Wild. Simply, wild.

Ive been feeling conflicted about feeling strange relief over the fact that my Siamese is no longer here. With the danger of certain things possibly looming, I would not be able to NOT go home to retrieve her. Of course, id have to specifically not tell my parents or anyone connected to them, that Id be doing this. Their view on animals is quite different from mine so, it would have been .. a lot of screaming. But all my furry children are my furry children, and Ill walk through whatever neccessary and bring Hell with me while im at it, to ensure their wellbeing. I miss her horribly. At some point in the drift between sleep and anxious stressful wake, I saw myself holding her. It was weird, but tis stress for you. I know Illl see her one day, as I have forseen this, but tis not yet time, as I told her, as I still have furry children to look after here. After all thats the whole purpose.


Anyway I digress.

I think its time to sleep. I love nightshift. Going to bed with sunup is thousandfold better than trying to force myself to bed in the darkness of the night, when my havoc for brain screams turbulence and Nos.