17 people.

Menu consisted of

1.  Ensalda de Nopal (Cactus Salad)

2.  Posole de Pollo (Chicken/Hominy Soup)

3.  Enchiladas de Mole Dulce 

4.  Flan with condensed milk with Cafe de la Olla.

It went great!  Except I got drunk on Irish Whiskey and passed out afterwards and woke upp with a roaring headache...In time to see a hospital bill for $182,512.16 this morning.

No not kidding.

But hey!  The party was a hit! Annnnnd I made some money to do something I love and got silly drunk...I tend to be a happy drunk.

I am mad at myself because I didn't take pics of the food or the table

But here's a table I decorated for Xmas Dinner before at a resturant.