gvn4admin campaign trail 2025
hi huns <333why voting me for admin is a vote for radical vamp change
eradication of the border control keeping out former vamp pals
a sitewide focus on vamp community growth from the ground up
installation of active vamp monitors, moderators, vamp police etc.
erasing cancerous elements within our blessed vamp utopia
freedom through strength and strength through vamp unity
together we can do this xoxo
So we made it to our new apartment bordering Idaho. Biggest pro is it's cheaper and utilities and rent don't have a chokehold on us the way they did in Seattle. We're also going out more into nature and actually being outgoing instead of being cooped up.
Biggest con is that my older kid isn't adjusting to the public school out here (some of the kids are kinda vapid bullies that throw kids a little different under the bus to make themselves look good). Another con was that I initially was...
Annoying As 🤬
For DECADES I've talked about:
Israel attacking the USS Liberty
Vaccines being bad.
9/11 being a mossad operation
holocaust NEVER happened
Illuminati Rich trading women and children
Fluoride being terrible for the brain causing retardation.
Chem Trails
Fake Wars for profit
Aliens/Demons/Interdimensional beings or their Proxies controlling the world and prepping it for a takeover.
I of course, according to most, am crazy.
However, now all these mainstream people...
Feeling 😐
Noodles knows the Middle East is crumbling.
Noodles knows NATO is trying to start a war with Russia.
Noodles knows that the dead in multiple states from the storm is so bad that they still have dozens of bodies hanging in trees.
Noodles knows that major banks are collapsing due to hacks, factories blowing up, food is getting scarce or crazy expensive.
Just wait till the Port Strike.
But I've been waiting for this for decades...I'm well armed, well stocked and watching from afar.
Finally 😀
For a few days, it was just bad news due to slow fuck materials, deaths of friends and family etc.
But suddenly the clouds disappeared, I got my materials, my coops are being built and I and one of my workers heard crying in the jungle and we went in and rescued 7 babies.
Mama Dog had them hidden away, but there's scorpions, tarantulas, spiders, snakes, ants, heavy rain etc out there.
So I made a little place for them in my warehouse.
Little Babies!
So I had wrote a blog about how McDs in Cali was charging between $14.75-$19.99 for a Big Mac Meal 🍔🍟🥤
I remember when it was $2.99, a couple of moons ago.
Anyways, what shocked me was the cost of the MEDIUM 🍟.
This is what I think about the CEO of McDonald's:
Oddly Enough
I don't think I care if Trump wins or loses.
I was chatting with my girl and we were talking about all the weird pushes to take away the Sex Registry for pedophiles, mention of God, love of country, morals, ethics and standards.
How everything is upside-down...Teachers/schools passing students who can't read or write...Doctors poisoning you with meds...Military and Law enforcement attacking it's own citizens while paying for hotels, food, cash benefits for ILLEGAL ALIENS AND CRIMINALS...
Many People
Now seemed shocked at how bad this Infestation of Gays/Trannies is affecting everything.
Books, education, cartoons, company policies, political policies, military, film, TV, HIGHER education etc etc.
Those weird Noodle thoughts of:
"Are we under control by some Tranny Loving Cult of Death Satanist Pedophiles?"
What gave it away?
The secret island for the super rich and famous made for fucking underage boys and girls?
Honestly, do you think it's the only one?
Or that P. Diddy...
So Drinking...
At a 🇩🇪 bar in 🇲🇽 watching highlights of ⚽ when out of the blue I had a flashback.
To that time with the midget, the microwaved cantaloupe and NIN playing "Closer" by NIN?
Errrrrm and if it did, I was in college and needed tuition money.
So doesn't count!
If it did happen, which it didn't.
Anyways, once when I was like 14, we ghetto kids went to camp with a bunch of rich private school kids.
It was like some 80's movie shit... Poor obviously very handsome...
New Goth songs
Ok, so I didn't fly to Huntington Beach on the weekend like when I flew to Leipzig in 2019 for Wave Gottik Treffen.
Not quite the same but I guess I still have an opinion.
Twin Tribes sound fantastmas on YouTube- thanks to those who posted on YouTube.
Of course I am jealous but seriously these guys do sound better than the old headliners.
One man who matured with age is Joachim Witt. He rocks the goth, metal scene in new school fashion and has ditched, or improved, his glory pop fame....
It's begining ANNNNNND there's a certain group in CRAZY panic WORLDWIDE.
I gotta get a life
Still, I now have 15 new songs. Hopefully, I can get out of this dumpster.
The Fucking Weird Get Weirder
So now there is an uptick in people who had been trans also becoming...Are you ready for this?
Pretend Handicap.
It's called "Transableism"
Where they are now disabling themselves to be handicap.
Yes of course it's mostly autistics...Just like with the trans movement.
Man they are going to get wiped out by Elites and at this point?
Fuck em.
I shouldn't have to tell you that you should get a second opinion if...
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European SJW Greens are Idiots
Europeans could be paying $270 to charge their electric cars by early 2023 as electricity rates...
Damn. You Kids Are Addicted To Your Phones!
One of my old workers who barely left to work elsewhere just had a bad accident.
He broadsided a...
ALWAYS Blame the Messenger
Was thinking how twice in my life I stuck my neck out with friends to let them know that they...
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