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  • At a Bar at the Airport
    My favorite airport in fact... Houston. Waiting on my ✈️ so I can be at home with my Fat Dog, who for the record is going to be very mad at me. But I have a new squeaky toy for her, it's the equivalent of giving a woman jewelry after making her mad. A screaming chicken. She is going to drive me crazy with it and I wouldn't have it any other way. 
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  • Awesome Possum!
    So was getting a pair socks from my drawer in the morning...Feeling all groggy, I reached in and felt some plastic wrap. "WTF?-Though Noodles So I pulled it out. It was a nice amount from my Tax Return from last year: I had deposited some and kept some annnnnnnd I had COMPLETELY forgot about it. There's my washer and dryer money! =)
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  • Brainstorming Bullshit #2 - Untitl
    Again, I have returned to write another bullshit segment. The last time, I may have introduced myself and said some "hoorah" about maybe not writing in a long time, how I must  get back with it, and I may have mentioned other things or reasons why. I didn't read back to the first entry, yet. I'm sure I will after I finish this little article. I have been in such bad financial turmoil that...
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  • Brainstorming Bullshit - Nonfiction Post
         There's a reason why I titled this article the way I did. I'm not sure if I'm trying to express myself or break this serious writer's block that's driving me mad, depressing me, and annoying me. It isn't nonfiction writing that is the blockage, but it is songwriting or lyrical poetry and fiction writing that I have been blocked with for almost 25 years. I used to write...
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  • Couple of Weird Monkey Pox Facts
    1.  It was well predicted to start this year  a year ago as some sort of experiment simulation scenario game...Want to see what the future holds? Then read exactly what the NTI and the Munich Security Conference have planned for us with more LockDowns and Vaccinations. https://lightonlight.education/monkeypox-scenarios-germ-games-and-vaccines/ Not suspicious at all.   2. ...
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  • Damn It!
    I got a sore throat which usually leads to getting sick. Not counting my Covid Scare I haven't been sick in a very long time...Covid kept me washing my hands 20 times a day, not touching my eyes and taking lots of supplements...But fuck it sometimes you just get a cold.  
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  • Damn Popo!
    About to take off to the states for some silliness and I have to get a connecting flight in Mexico City. Now their volcano POPO has been active for hundreds of years, but as of late it's been spewing ash and making everyone nervous. Which is affecting flight connections. Seriously, it gets really active everytime I have to go through there. I mentioned it to my Sobador/Partero and he mentioned...
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  • Equal Opportunity Jerk
    I'm conservative and when people on the Left do stupid shit I make fun of them...Because supposedly people on the Right are supposed to be hardier, better prepared and more self-sufficient. Sometimes when shit happens my people are dumb asses too and I don't feel bad for them either. Pain is a teacher...Learn from it. I say this as someone who has made sooooooooooooooooooo many mistakes. Except...
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  • FRIDAY the 13th
    New improvised versions of previously released songs will be re- released over the next couple of months on Tombstyne@thethirstingbats on Subs.tv Show at 8.30 pm on Friday the 13th at the 43 below bar.
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  • Got To Stay Positive
    Back in August I made a deposit on a place I'll HOPEFULLY be moving into soon. Very far away...See that little smudge on the peninsula surrounded by rain forests and swamps? That's Merida. Meaning I have to leave the US along with friends and family. A COMPLETE change of lifestyle. Problem is that it won't be till late August and the way it's going I'm honestly worried about this House of...
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