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    Well Where Else Was He Supposed To Do It At???
    It was XMAS time and he felt sexy.  Those damn Red State Fascists with their No Sex In Public Rules!!!  😡
    By Noodles123 2024-09-22 21:16:40 0 277
    Dude Liked To Party 🥳🥳🥳
    Word is P. Diddy not only had over 1000 lube and 1000 baby oil bottles, but 784 DILDOS also.  The lube to dildo ratio isn't correct. Where was he buying them from? Wish? Temu?? Ali Baba???  😆 
    By Noodles123 2024-09-19 15:41:30 1 252
    Oh Si.
    By Noodles123 2024-09-14 22:38:32 0 169
    If I Was A Porn Star
    I'd want my stage name to be Mr. Cucumber. Look at this mtfkr! In like 4-5 days! And when I chop them after I had them in the fridge for a day, they crunch so loud I can hear it! 
    By Noodles123 2024-09-09 18:58:29 0 127
    Like I said, I'm old, so I expect people to die around me BUUUUUUT now ANOTHER 2 died yesterday. WTF? This keeps up soon everything I know will no longer be. Lol...I spoke like Kamala. 😆  Yeah but these mortuaries are making a mint off my friends and family.  They don't fuck around in Mexico...One died in the morning, the coroner picked him up, certified he was dead, returned the body for the wake and they're burying him today.  Is ANYONE else experiencing this? It's like 6...
    By Noodles123 2024-09-03 17:05:57 3 131
    I'm No Peach Pie Buuuuuuut
    I draw the line on my women at no penises or beards. Just sayin' This girl has a condition, but apparently doesn't want to conform to the usual social rules of beauty.  Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah no thanks...Stay up king! 👑  https://x.com/RadioGenoa/status/1828759023426158624?t=ZurmMhAOrcgq5KSZ7_42ag&s=19 That look she gives in that pic, is what I imagine is a scene from a prison shower scene in a porno... A hot gay porno with soft jazz with a dash of that weird ass horn the aborigines...
    By Noodles123 2024-08-29 00:17:39 0 156
    You Are HERE
    The ENTIRE White Western World is being controlled by Very Old Elite Families, who know everyone is starting to notice the patterns of manipulation and propaganda. (Yes like some terrible Netflix series, where everyone is dramatic and Machiavellian) You can see how they try to influence what you drive, where you travel, who you should listen to, what you read, what you should say, what you drink/wear/eat AND WHAT YOU BELIEVE.  But people can see it now and so now they have to FORCE...
    By Noodles123 2024-08-28 14:41:31 0 130
    Read An Interesting Article
    On how NOTHING is how it should be. How we're being bombarded with disinformation and propaganda FOR NO FUCKING REASON. Like instead of deporting Illegal Criminals, they hide the crime stats. Or instead of failing kids who can't read or write, they'll LOWER the standards of the test, so everyone passes and then clap themselves on the back. Nobody is telling the truth. Doctors don't cure.  Scientists are making up the data. Police/Politicians aren't protecting our safety or rights. ...
    By Noodles123 2024-08-26 14:40:25 1 124
    No one is taking the Johnson & Johnson Vaccine since it was killing people. https://arstechnica.com/health/2023/06/j-fda-revokes-authorization/ SO it QUIETLY was allowed to disappear while everyone pretended otherwise. Astrazeneca is going to kill many many many with "Rare" cancers/clots and is now being phased out QUIETLY...Luckily it's mostly outside of the US. https://arstechnica.com/health/2023/06/j-fda-revokes-authorization/ Moderna was "JUST" found to "ACCIDENTLY" stop your body...
    By Noodles123 2024-05-09 15:04:08 0 109
    "Economy is Great!" -President Joey B
    https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-04-05/us-jobs-roar-again-as-payrolls-jump-303-000-unemployment-drops?embedded-checkout=true   I mean no way could these jobs be stupid government jobs, part time jobs to make up for not making enough money due to inflation, or very low paying jobs given to illegals huh? By the way, rumour is that the workers that died on the bridge that was brought down in Baltimore were all ILLEGALS...Working for the city...Without proper documentation:...
    By Noodles123 2024-04-05 18:53:41 0 259
    Never Accept Less Than You Deserve
    Had a pal and his wife visit area. Very hard to pin them down even though they wanted me to show then things and the area since I've been here like 15 months. However, all their stuff was last minute...Like I'm supposed to be waiting around? Nah...That's not how plans work...Especially since I'm in the middle of construction. Odd thing was when we did meet up we had lots of fun and laughs. But I'm not waiting around all day...So since my sister is coming tomorrow, I'm cool on last minute Tour...
    By Noodles123 2024-03-04 18:55:50 5 116
    Weird As Fuck
    Sitting at a wine bar with a bottle of very good cab, the place and the cafe next to me full of either Europeans or Americans. While LITERALLY in front of me Yucatecos get on the bus watching us. This will not end well You can't starve the locals and feed the outsiders. .It's got to be semi even. I remember saying the same thing in Brussels. Telling my girl that Brussels was ready to riot because I felt it  3 weeks later the city erupted. Only thing keeping shit in order here is people...
    By Noodles123 2024-01-16 22:16:38 0 134
    At a Bar at the Airport
    My favorite airport in fact... Houston. Waiting on my ✈️ so I can be at home with my Fat Dog, who for the record is going to be very mad at me. But I have a new squeaky toy for her, it's the equivalent of giving a woman jewelry after making her mad. A screaming chicken. She is going to drive me crazy with it and I wouldn't have it any other way. 
    By Noodles123 2023-11-04 20:35:17 0 148
    Was on the 580 heading towards San Jose chatting with my girl. Yeah she's real...I swear! No you can't see or talk to her she's errrrm mute and shy. What? I'm just sayin' Anyways, the fucking Mapquest was garbage which goes back to my "Internet Rot" theory, while we talked about all the suspicious airplane trails that weren't evaporating which goes back to my "Chem Trail" theory, when in the distance we saw a silver orb. About 2500 feet off in the distance, and not huge but maybe 8'-10' x...
    By Noodles123 2023-11-02 17:12:23 4 118
    Had to wake up at 5:30am today and Noodles HATE that. But since I was worried about waking up I woke up at 4am. I grabbed my phone all mad like a Giant Hispanic Baby who has defecated in his bed. BUT I HADN'T. (Whispers: "This time") So saw the time and 😁 since I still had another hour and a half of sleep left. It was like finding a $20 on the streets. That little extra rest made all the difference. 
    By Noodles123 2023-10-24 20:36:30 5 111
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Living In Rain Forest Country
Is beautiful. Rains about 10 minutes EVERY DAY. Smells clean...Is cheap...Healthier than living...
By Noodles123 2022-09-02 17:09:43 2 127
So Was Walking My Lola Dog
And noticed how beautiful and blue the sky was with cartoonlike fluffy clouds...I'm 3-4 miles...
By Noodles123 2023-09-24 22:40:07 1 124
A.I. Hijinks!
So decided to make a pic of Trump on a white horse wearing gold armor and it gave me this....
By Noodles123 2023-03-26 04:10:48 0 98
Unintended Consequences
Bank runs have started in Canada and the US. 3 of the major Canadian Banks went offline as the...
By Noodles123 2022-02-22 03:58:03 0 96
100% Real
Zelensky BEGGING for money...While trying to pretend they're still winning the war or can keep a...
By Noodles123 2023-11-07 04:54:08 3 96