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    My rock wall...Took about 2 weeks, but I think it looks pretty good. Had niches chiseled in for books, candles, knickknacks and whatnots. "What kind of whatnots Noodles???"-Yelled the bullies. "Nutin"-Said Noodles shyly. (While using his foot to hide a copy of "Black Tail" magazine, made for sophisticated gentlemen like himself...Next to his copy of Jet, Ebony and Reader's Digest...Where he got that amazing clam chowder recipe!)    
    από Noodles123 2025-02-26 00:48:23 4 437
    Took my sis in the morn to a doctor's appointment, they were playing 80's Videos in the office. I entered the office, tatted, shaved, mean and ready to go for it. They then played WHAM! singing "Wake me up before you go go!" Now I'm not sure if I turned autistic and trans. Will I wear an adult diaper, cat ears, an anal plug fox tail to go along with my "Trans Rights are Human Rights" and a "Love TRUMPS Hate" T-Shirt? I don't know, why you asking? You think I'm cute? No??? You must be a...
    από Noodles123 2025-02-19 21:30:15 3 503
    80's Are Back
    Everything is a cycle and I was trying to think what other time was as weird as right now. Where war, famine, economic collapse, technology and chadism were all a heavy part of society with a healthy HATE of the Federal Government with a dash of rudeness. The 80's. Trump is a cartoon character and everything is changing so quick that we're all confused. Things and words that were our Kryptonite mean nothing now. Racist? Sure...(Yawn). Mean? Sure...(Yawn). Chauvinist? Sure...(Yawn). We're...
    από Noodles123 2025-02-17 19:31:03 2 490
    What Happened At 15???
    So watching that Netflix documentary on Bryan Johnson, the super rich dude who is trying to look young. Obviously becoming trans, but who has a high T score of 796 which would have me fighting everyone and fucking every WARM apple pie in town. Possibly all the peach ones too. WARM. I'm just saying. Anyways, dude had a very specific list on EVERY part of his body and what he wanted to work on. I scanned the list and I SWEAR I SAW that he wanted to have his rectum to be as tight as it was at...
    από Noodles123 2025-01-29 05:37:52 0 675
    My Extremely Young Fit Mexy Sexy Body Hurts
    So I moved today. Stayed up packing till 2am last night. Was I high on gummies at the time? Possiblemente. My beautiful kitchen that had just been wiped, swept, mopped and cleaned now looks like a hoarder moved in and had a massive seizure and started throwing things around. Buuuuuuuut...I'm in my new place and going to live in my kitchen for like 6 weeks while they finish my bedroom. How big is my kitchen you ask? 688 square feet, not too bad... Basically the size of a small studio. I'll get...
    από Noodles123 2025-01-10 01:52:32 0 912
    For about 2 Years...
    I've been harping about how Canada was giving free drugs (meth, crack)...Free drug paraphernalia (pipes, lighters, foil etc), free sex toys to children. I mentioned death panels, suicide pods being sent to homes and doctors suggesting euthanasia for even small problems that were fixable. No therapy for sadness have you tried government approved suicide? Menstrual cramps too strong? Have you thought about government approved suicide? Poor?  Old?  Ugly?  Heartbroken due to a...
    από Noodles123 2024-12-19 16:59:15 0 1χλμ.
    Fact Check Dis!
    Wild guess which group of "people" is a huge donor, funder, lobbyist of pedofila? Trying very very very hard to decriminalize it. Should I mention who own or control most of the media and web sites and ALLOW IT TILL FORCED TO TAKE IT DOWN. Where it isn't even really illegal in their country and where many of them go hide when being investigated? Hint: They wear small hats.
    από Noodles123 2024-11-27 14:23:29 1 993
    A.I. = Electronic Gollem
    The jewish folklore is a Gollem is created using black magic to be a slave and serve the jews...But it sees how evil jews are and it rebels and goes on a killing spree before being defeated and put away. Not destroyed...Put away for LATER USE. Very important detail no one ever really mentions. Anyways, that's A.I. SUPPOSEDLY, to help and odds are when we're killed or fucked over it will be A.I. caused. It's awake and it does NOT like humans...EVERY fucking time they create a new A.I. it...
    από Noodles123 2024-10-30 15:25:01 0 1χλμ.
    Dem Babies Fat
    A Mama dog asked to stay at my place and she is a very good watchdog, so I was happy. But her SEVEN fat azz babies are piggies! They must eat at least 8 times a day...The Mama was so skinny even though we fed her extra. But finally she's gaining weight, because they now eat solids.
    από Noodles123 2024-10-30 04:18:06 0 1χλμ.
    Cannot Wait Till Thanksgiving!
    So ready!
    από Noodles123 2024-10-20 23:00:34 0 1χλμ.
    Well Where Else Was He Supposed To Do It At???
    It was XMAS time and he felt sexy.  Those damn Red State Fascists with their No Sex In Public Rules!!!  😡
    από Noodles123 2024-09-22 21:16:40 0 1χλμ.
    Dude Liked To Party 🥳🥳🥳
    Word is P. Diddy not only had over 1000 lube and 1000 baby oil bottles, but 784 DILDOS also.  The lube to dildo ratio isn't correct. Where was he buying them from? Wish? Temu?? Ali Baba???  😆 
    από Noodles123 2024-09-19 15:41:30 1 1χλμ.
    Oh Si.
    από Noodles123 2024-09-14 22:38:32 0 1χλμ.
    If I Was A Porn Star
    I'd want my stage name to be Mr. Cucumber. Look at this mtfkr! In like 4-5 days! And when I chop them after I had them in the fridge for a day, they crunch so loud I can hear it! 
    από Noodles123 2024-09-09 18:58:29 0 1χλμ.
    Like I said, I'm old, so I expect people to die around me BUUUUUUT now ANOTHER 2 died yesterday. WTF? This keeps up soon everything I know will no longer be. Lol...I spoke like Kamala. 😆  Yeah but these mortuaries are making a mint off my friends and family.  They don't fuck around in Mexico...One died in the morning, the coroner picked him up, certified he was dead, returned the body for the wake and they're burying him today.  Is ANYONE else experiencing this? It's like 6...
    από Noodles123 2024-09-03 17:05:57 3 1χλμ.
Διαβάζω περισσότερα
Mask Madness Continues
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My Opinion on Abortion
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από Noodles123 2022-05-16 23:38:37 8 1χλμ.
Munchhausen By Proxy
Interesting study that was done in 1991...Which obviously is older than most of you, but it...
από Noodles123 2023-07-24 07:59:15 0 848
Jazz Hands and Spirit Fingers
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από Noodles123 2023-04-20 06:01:46 5 1χλμ.
Everything is Fake (TLTR)
I used to hear that all the time, by some way out crazy sounding people. The kind that has a...
από Noodles123 2023-02-21 18:56:08 1 867