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    Days 3 and 4
    Day 3 felt a bit drowsier, but that might have been because the previous night I'd had a panic attack and had trouble falling asleep. I must have appeared deep in thought or something because I was asked several times if I was okay; honestly, around the noise of the kids, though, sometimes I deflate and become flat in affect. I must keep track of the highs and lows to monitor for hypomania (the first 2 days in, I felt that exaggerated sense of wellbeing, rush of euphoria, and could not keep...
    By Lady_Lazarus 2023-11-30 17:34:36 0 189
    I Used to Be Bert...
    Now I'm Ernie.
    By Noodles123 2023-09-06 06:42:39 0 138
    Someone Did A Poll With This Pic
    Like if it was 3AM in the morning and I saw this knocking at my door...What would I do? And I jokingly may have said "Cry though most of the blowjob." Oddly enough those fags on Twitter or X didn't think that was funny. Harumf!  Philistines! That shit was hilarious and on the fly.    
    By Noodles123 2023-09-04 00:10:54 2 168
    Got The Whip End of the Hurricane
    Hit us yesterday and rain was heavy as was the flooding...But nothing too bad. The hurricane is going up so we only got the outside rain storm with very light wind. But I lost electricity for a day. But I had emergency lights and books, my stove is gas and my water is by gravity so I was fine. My phone started dying, but I keep an Emergency Power Bank for that. And now I'm all good.   Stay prepped people.
    By Noodles123 2023-08-31 18:06:34 0 163
    Detaching From The Simulation Part I: Why You Get Targeted
    This isn't about the spiritual reasons you get targeted, so much as the material reasons. And I'm not talking about this in a "targeted individual" sense because I don't think I'm particularly special in that sense. I think most people are targeted in life, so I see no point in identifying as part of a super special minority or something. Mainly I want to talk about how I approach friendships/acquaintanceships now after a lifetime full of targeting. The key is to remain objective with people...
    By Tamagotchi 2022-03-28 04:04:15 2 162
    Looks Good =)
    My floor got done...Give them a day to finish the details, then polish this baby up =) That's how boring my life is...I am SERIOUSLY excited about waxing my floor tomorrow. Like a black dude looking at a chubby big boobied white girl at the mall: But who is secretly a Feminist and wants to also fight against the "Patriacrchy."  Because ladies...I am an Ally.  Just sayin'
    By Noodles123 2022-02-17 21:51:42 0 122
    Crosses Fingers
    Been hitting the gym hard...Feel good and rested...But wondering how long before I catch another bout of Covid. I should have immunity, but not going to pretend I COULDN'T catch it twice...I have multiple friends who have had it 2-3 times...ALTHOUGH a majority were vaxxed. But I'm better prepared for it this time ANNNND if I am going to catch it I want to catch it now before the end of January where I'll be travelling twice out of the county. Last thing I want is to to positive out of country...
    By Noodles123 2021-12-24 10:30:16 7 145
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Met Someone Who Humbled Me
Walking late at night I passed by this man about my age sleeping on the streets, which is very...
By Noodles123 2023-09-21 07:27:19 4 96
Hmmmmm? Sounds Great!
The Western Journal Follow Oregon Drops Essential Skills Requirements to Graduate High...
By Noodles123 2023-10-22 19:52:31 1 103
I Suddenly Realized
That now that I have Twitter back...I can just post comments on mutiple people for laughs. Not...
By Noodles123 2023-08-16 22:26:28 0 76
giveing up....
So i officialy decided today,that...yeah...im giveing up on love. i made a promise to myself that...
By DismalWynter 2023-03-05 02:01:26 2 108
Danzig Dropping Knowledge
On you foolios!
By Noodles123 2023-03-23 08:14:38 1 96