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  • #war #WW3 #Bunker #nuclearwar #richpeople #rich #Protection #SAFE #AERIE
    #war #WW3 #Bunker #nuclearwar #richpeople #rich #Protection #SAFE #AERIE https://www.hellomagazine.com/homes/810364/safe-nuclear-war-bunker-virginia-photos/
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  • Okay so here we go people are saying they're not going to vote for Biden because of what's going on in Palestine or whatever. Okay go back to your own country then stay the hell out of ours. America is not here to fight your battles We are not here to help other countries out do your own stuff fight your own battles If you don't want to vote for Biden and you want to vote for Trump that's on you because you're going to ruin America. We are not here to fight your battles We are not here to stand with every single nation when they're in trouble. Fight your own battles within your own country stop looking at other people and other countries to save you It's not going to happen. And Christianity is a lie Sorry Muslims. And no I am not racist I just get tired of people trying to lean on America for their own battles. #wearenotyourprotection #fightyourownbattles #fightforyourownrights
    Okay so here we go people are saying they're not going to vote for Biden because of what's going on in Palestine or whatever. Okay go back to your own country then stay the hell out of ours. America is not here to fight your battles We are not here to help other countries out do your own stuff fight your own battles If you don't want to vote for Biden and you want to vote for Trump that's on you because you're going to ruin America. We are not here to fight your battles We are not here to stand with every single nation when they're in trouble. Fight your own battles within your own country stop looking at other people and other countries to save you It's not going to happen. And Christianity is a lie Sorry Muslims. And no I am not racist I just get tired of people trying to lean on America for their own battles. #wearenotyourprotection #fightyourownbattles #fightforyourownrights
    3 Comments 0 Shares 867 Views
  • https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1301458094/eir-the-valkyrie-of-protection-and?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=goddess+figures&ref=sr_gallery-7-45&cns=1&organic_search_click=1
    Eir the Valkyrie of Protection and Healing Statue - Etsy UK
    This Figurine Statues & Sculptures item by SHOPTELI has 493 favorites from Etsy shoppers. Ships from United States. Listed on 27 Sep, 2023
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  • Music-construction
    Human- protection
    Computer love
    Give me more
    Music-construction Human- protection Global-communication Obsession-civilization Fashion-protection Passion-construction Global-conversation Obsession Computer love Give me more https://youtu.be/9Lt1ufOp0lM?si=boVXEg3worc_zg0k
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  • Lost my best boy last night.
    Jon Jarl.
    I know to some he is just a chicken but to me he is so much more. Everytime I have ever been sad I would sit with him and the girls then just feel so much better. They get me outside, they get me to do yard work, they love me and they feed me. Jarl was originally gotten for protection and he spent his very last days doing that. But he became so much more to me and I thank him everyday for that.

    My chickens saved my life when I was at my lowest and couldn’t even get out of bed. I would force myself too bc I needed to take care of them and they would just…love me so much.
    There will never be any other rooster to top you my baby. Hope the rainbow bridge treats you well and you keep a spot warm for me.
    Lost my best boy last night. Jon Jarl. I know to some he is just a chicken but to me he is so much more. Everytime I have ever been sad I would sit with him and the girls then just feel so much better. They get me outside, they get me to do yard work, they love me and they feed me. Jarl was originally gotten for protection and he spent his very last days doing that. But he became so much more to me and I thank him everyday for that. My chickens saved my life when I was at my lowest and couldn’t even get out of bed. I would force myself too bc I needed to take care of them and they would just…love me so much. There will never be any other rooster to top you my baby. Hope the rainbow bridge treats you well and you keep a spot warm for me.
    1 Comments 0 Shares 394 Views
  • LAIBACH - Država

    Translation :
    " The State is taking care of the protection, cultivation and exploitation of the forests. The State is taking care of the physical education of the nation, especially of the youth, with the aim of improving the nation's health and national, working and defensive capability. Its treatment is becoming more and more indulgent, all freedom is tolerated. Our authority is that of the people.
    We decant a sea of bloodshed for brotherhood and the equality of our nation and we are not going to allow anyone to touch, to uproot from inside or to destroy in any way this brotherhood and equality." (JOSIP BROZ TITO)

    #Tito #Laibach #Yugoslavia #Industrial
    LAIBACH - Država Translation : " The State is taking care of the protection, cultivation and exploitation of the forests. The State is taking care of the physical education of the nation, especially of the youth, with the aim of improving the nation's health and national, working and defensive capability. Its treatment is becoming more and more indulgent, all freedom is tolerated. Our authority is that of the people. We decant a sea of bloodshed for brotherhood and the equality of our nation and we are not going to allow anyone to touch, to uproot from inside or to destroy in any way this brotherhood and equality." (JOSIP BROZ TITO) #Tito #Laibach #Yugoslavia #Industrial
    1 Comments 0 Shares 721 Views
  • NH State Constitution - Part First, Article 10:

    [Art.] 10. [Right of Revolution.]
    "Government being instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security, of the whole community, and not for the private interest or emolument of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, whenever the ends of government are perverted, and public liberty manifestly endangered, and all other means of redress are ineffectual, the people may, and of right ought to reform the old, or establish a new government. The doctrine of nonresistance against arbitrary power, and oppression, is absurd, slavish, and destructive of the good and happiness of mankind."

    NH State Constitution - Part First, Article 10: [Art.] 10. [Right of Revolution.] "Government being instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security, of the whole community, and not for the private interest or emolument of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, whenever the ends of government are perverted, and public liberty manifestly endangered, and all other means of redress are ineffectual, the people may, and of right ought to reform the old, or establish a new government. The doctrine of nonresistance against arbitrary power, and oppression, is absurd, slavish, and destructive of the good and happiness of mankind." https://www.nh.gov/glance/bill-of-rights.htm
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