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  • Thanks to idiot managers at work, we almost suffered a major network infection because some idiot decided it was a good idea to unplug devices responsible for virus lab testing that were initially connected to a dedicated unit to other network ports and switches across the building. Prevented it and now caught in a crossfire.

    How is your Friday going?
    Thanks to idiot managers at work, we almost suffered a major network infection because some idiot decided it was a good idea to unplug devices responsible for virus lab testing that were initially connected to a dedicated unit to other network ports and switches across the building. Prevented it and now caught in a crossfire. How is your Friday going? 😅
    3 Commentaires 0 Parts
  • I joined occult groups on FB & I get harassed by Christians-i'm not religious but I'm spiritual and I have Polytheistic beliefs although even among so-called like-minded people that are open-minded and practice witchcraft there is a minority of Witches, Occultists, Satanists that are a spiritual narcissist, sexist or a misogynist & a sadistic bully/troll.
    They are condescending & dictate how they practice witchcraft is apparently the "correct way" or the "only way" to practice witchcraft-no one is superior just because they work with demons, it also doesn't make you less than if you don't work with demons, Deities or spirits.
    Sacrificing people/animals is morally & ethically wrong and I will never do that, I will never practice witchcraft on purpose to harm a innocent person or practice witchcraft against someone on purpose so it affects their consent or free will.
    I'm so done with unprovoked toxicity, hostility, unjustified/undeserved hatred & intolerance of me just because i'm a woman.
    I joined occult groups on FB & I get harassed by Christians-i'm not religious but I'm spiritual and I have Polytheistic beliefs although even among so-called like-minded people that are open-minded and practice witchcraft there is a minority of Witches, Occultists, Satanists that are a spiritual narcissist, sexist or a misogynist & a sadistic bully/troll. They are condescending & dictate how they practice witchcraft is apparently the "correct way" or the "only way" to practice witchcraft-no one is superior just because they work with demons, it also doesn't make you less than if you don't work with demons, Deities or spirits. Sacrificing people/animals is morally & ethically wrong and I will never do that, I will never practice witchcraft on purpose to harm a innocent person or practice witchcraft against someone on purpose so it affects their consent or free will. I'm so done with unprovoked toxicity, hostility, unjustified/undeserved hatred & intolerance of me just because i'm a woman.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts
  • After almost 18 hours without power, it was restored!

    I don't know exactly when it came back on - was on generator power. I had texted the utility company's automated system, and it replied back (paraphrasing): "Yo, dummy - you have power...why are you asking us the status?" I go flip the switches to change from generator power back to the utility, and sure enough - it was back.

    Having multiple levels of redundancy for power (whole-house generator, as well as a big-ass battery and inverter for more important loads, like heat, and the refrigerator) is something I'm truly grateful for!
    After almost 18 hours without power, it was restored! I don't know exactly when it came back on - was on generator power. I had texted the utility company's automated system, and it replied back (paraphrasing): "Yo, dummy - you have power...why are you asking us the status?" I go flip the switches to change from generator power back to the utility, and sure enough - it was back. Having multiple levels of redundancy for power (whole-house generator, as well as a big-ass battery and inverter for more important loads, like heat, and the refrigerator) is something I'm truly grateful for!
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts
  • #gif #witch
    There are still witches around...
    #gif #witch There are still witches around...
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts
  • Hahahaha, my workplace and the people I work with is hilarious. We constantly have network issues, the switches for PC builds have not been patched and now apparently the PXE boot option is also down from Dell's side meaning that there is LITERALLY no way for me to provision a laptop for new hires. I am basically wasting me time in the office today. It's gonna be a chill day with a lot of coffee, it seems. :D
    Hahahaha, my workplace and the people I work with is hilarious. We constantly have network issues, the switches for PC builds have not been patched and now apparently the PXE boot option is also down from Dell's side meaning that there is LITERALLY no way for me to provision a laptop for new hires. I am basically wasting me time in the office today. It's gonna be a chill day with a lot of coffee, it seems. :D
    4 Commentaires 0 Parts
  • Red witch from cult of space skull!! I got her autograph on one of the set lists that we found laying around and her little creature actually signed it also but her creature doesn't know how to write so they just scribbled all over it which was fine They didn't cover up red witches signature so we're good.
    Red witch from cult of space skull!! I got her autograph on one of the set lists that we found laying around and her little creature actually signed it also but her creature doesn't know how to write so they just scribbled all over it which was fine They didn't cover up red witches signature so we're good. 😈
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts
  • Thou shalt not feed thy idols . . .
    The question is :-
    Do you think
    it wasn't
    a deliberate joke?

    Don't do as that wilt-(necessarily) you might-

    And well Wiccan Haloeenees,
    What if it wasn't a tradition of witches, and someone just made it up?

    Have a deep Naehimas thought
    niahmas . . .

    Thou shalt not feed thy idols . . . The question is :- . .. ... .... Do you think it wasn't a deliberate joke? Don't do as that wilt-(necessarily) you might- And well Wiccan Haloeenees, What if it wasn't a tradition of witches, and someone just made it up? Have a deep Naehimas thought niahmas . . . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wheel_of_the_Year
    Wheel of the Year
    The Wheel of the Year is an annual cycle of seasonal festivals, observed by a range of modern pagans, marking the year's chief solar events (solstices and equinoxes) and the midpoints between them. British neopagans crafted the Wheel of the Year in the mid-20th century, combining the four solar events ("quarter days") marked by many European peoples, with the four seasonal festivals ("cross-quarter days") celebrated by Insular Celtic peoples. Different paths of modern Paganism may vary regarding the precise timing of each celebration, based on such distinctions as the lunar phase and geographic hemisphere. Observing the cycle of the seasons has been important to many people, both ancient and modern. Modern pagan festivals that rely on the Wheel are based to varying degrees on folk traditions, regardless of actual historical pagan practices. Some Wiccans use the term sabbat () to refer to each festival. ...
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts
  • #everydayishalloween #darkphotos #witches #vampires #goth #Samhain
    #everydayishalloween #darkphotos #witches #vampires #goth #Samhain
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts
  • Anyone else watching Anne Rice's MayFair Witches - Season 1?
    Anyone else watching Anne Rice's MayFair Witches - Season 1?
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts
  • Every time my son says "mom" my eye twitches and instantly in my mind I'm yelling "ITS MOMMY TO YOU YA LITTLE BASTARD"

    Mother of the year, I know.
    Every time my son says "mom" my eye twitches and instantly in my mind I'm yelling "ITS MOMMY TO YOU YA LITTLE BASTARD" Mother of the year, I know.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts
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