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  • Olen aivan raivoissani.
    Vietettyään vuoden ja 3 kuukautta korjatakseen kaikkea paskaa, joka oli vialla yrityksessä, jossa työskentelen OMAKSEENI, he arvioivat kaiken työni riittämättömäksi.
    Ilmeisesti keskijohdon mukaan en ole täyttänyt odotuksiani ollenkaan, minun on keskityttävä olemaan vähemmän saatavilla ja että minun on työstettävä kommunikaatiotaitojani, joiden kanssa minulla on ilmeisesti ongelmia.
    Tästä huolimatta he haluavat minun myös ottavan lisätehtäviä, en vain keskittyvän tarjoamaan laitteisto- ja ohjelmistotukea paikan päällä oleville ihmisille.
    Minua häiritsevät jatkuvasti AD-HOC-tehtävät, joita minun ei pitäisi tehdä, koska roolini on teknisempi ja teknisempi.
    Sen lisäksi, jos en tee niitä AD-HOC-tehtäviä, saan valituksia ja joudun kohdistetuksi, jos en ole koko ajan paikalla. En todellakaan enää tiedä mitä tehdä.
    Luulen, että minun on nyt työstettävä vielä kovemmin hakeakseni muita rooleja. Olen huomannut, että sen jälkeen, kun kaikki projekti on saatu päätökseen, kun rakennuksen varustaminen uusilla järjestelmillä muutetaan huoneet Google Meeting -huoneiksi, minulla ei ole enää väliä, ja tästä on nyt kulunut 4 kuukautta siitä, kun uusi johtaja tuli mukaan ja mikrohallitsi elävää paskaa kaikesta ja kaikista.
    Tämän palautteen jälkeen en ole varma, vaikka haluanko mennä toimistoon ensi viikolla.
    Onneksi olen lähdössä Suomeen ensi viikon torstaina, joten vaikka toimistolle tarvitsisikin, siitä tulee hyvin lyhyt viikko.
    Olen nyt lopettamisen partaalla, hyvät ihmiset, mutta en ennen kuin löydän itselleni uuden työn.
    Olen hyvin pettynyt ja olen todella alkanut ajatella, että ongelma on aina minä.
    Motivaationi ei ole koskaan ollut näin pitkä ja olen erittäin turhautunut.

    Vittun Irlanti!!!!!!!!!
    Olen aivan raivoissani. Vietettyään vuoden ja 3 kuukautta korjatakseen kaikkea paskaa, joka oli vialla yrityksessä, jossa työskentelen OMAKSEENI, he arvioivat kaiken työni riittämättömäksi. Ilmeisesti keskijohdon mukaan en ole täyttänyt odotuksiani ollenkaan, minun on keskityttävä olemaan vähemmän saatavilla ja että minun on työstettävä kommunikaatiotaitojani, joiden kanssa minulla on ilmeisesti ongelmia. Tästä huolimatta he haluavat minun myös ottavan lisätehtäviä, en vain keskittyvän tarjoamaan laitteisto- ja ohjelmistotukea paikan päällä oleville ihmisille. Minua häiritsevät jatkuvasti AD-HOC-tehtävät, joita minun ei pitäisi tehdä, koska roolini on teknisempi ja teknisempi. Sen lisäksi, jos en tee niitä AD-HOC-tehtäviä, saan valituksia ja joudun kohdistetuksi, jos en ole koko ajan paikalla. En todellakaan enää tiedä mitä tehdä. Luulen, että minun on nyt työstettävä vielä kovemmin hakeakseni muita rooleja. Olen huomannut, että sen jälkeen, kun kaikki projekti on saatu päätökseen, kun rakennuksen varustaminen uusilla järjestelmillä muutetaan huoneet Google Meeting -huoneiksi, minulla ei ole enää väliä, ja tästä on nyt kulunut 4 kuukautta siitä, kun uusi johtaja tuli mukaan ja mikrohallitsi elävää paskaa kaikesta ja kaikista. Tämän palautteen jälkeen en ole varma, vaikka haluanko mennä toimistoon ensi viikolla. Onneksi olen lähdössä Suomeen ensi viikon torstaina, joten vaikka toimistolle tarvitsisikin, siitä tulee hyvin lyhyt viikko. Olen nyt lopettamisen partaalla, hyvät ihmiset, mutta en ennen kuin löydän itselleni uuden työn. Olen hyvin pettynyt ja olen todella alkanut ajatella, että ongelma on aina minä. Motivaationi ei ole koskaan ollut näin pitkä ja olen erittäin turhautunut. Vittun Irlanti!!!!!!!!!
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 304 Views
  • ANTI government...no! Anti extremist yes!

    ANTI government...no! Anti extremist yes! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUaL1FnotRQ
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 321 Views
  • Today really was a Terrible day. Not only did I work longer than it is legal (again). I also wasn't very focussed and did a lot of mistakes in my lab work...I don't think a blanket and c-drama will fix this day..-

    I really need to dump & vent some emotions rn...humor me...
    The fact that I am still very moody and don't really feel like talking to people one on one kinda contriubted to this day being shitty as lab work forces me to interact with my colleauges more than documentation. and I really don't feel like talking lately.
    It's probably hard to get....While I do have a lot of things troubling me and I do need to get them off my chest, I dont have the energy nor the desire to open a 1 on 1 converstaion about it, and even less desire to talk about the world and smalltalk.
    It's not like there are no people I could go to if I needed talking. There are. And I know I can go to them anytime. I just don't want to. Bc I don't want to have any interactive converstaions at the moment, if not necessary. Then I'd rahter passively dump it somewhere like here and get if off my chest. It is often not about wanting advice or needing re-assurance. It is mostly just wanting it out...
    Just posting it in an anyways dead place gives me the freedom to decide on my own if and when I get advice or others opinion on it. If I need to I'll read comments, If I dont wan't to I just don't.
    Is that weird??
    I think I am like this because I have always been the Listeing and giving advice friend and not the sharing and wanting advice one.
    I'm just used to being that way and found my ways to vent emotions...
    Today really was a Terrible day. Not only did I work longer than it is legal (again). I also wasn't very focussed and did a lot of mistakes in my lab work...I don't think a blanket and c-drama will fix this day..- I really need to dump & vent some emotions rn...humor me... The fact that I am still very moody and don't really feel like talking to people one on one kinda contriubted to this day being shitty as lab work forces me to interact with my colleauges more than documentation. and I really don't feel like talking lately. It's probably hard to get....While I do have a lot of things troubling me and I do need to get them off my chest, I dont have the energy nor the desire to open a 1 on 1 converstaion about it, and even less desire to talk about the world and smalltalk. It's not like there are no people I could go to if I needed talking. There are. And I know I can go to them anytime. I just don't want to. Bc I don't want to have any interactive converstaions at the moment, if not necessary. Then I'd rahter passively dump it somewhere like here and get if off my chest. It is often not about wanting advice or needing re-assurance. It is mostly just wanting it out... Just posting it in an anyways dead place gives me the freedom to decide on my own if and when I get advice or others opinion on it. If I need to I'll read comments, If I dont wan't to I just don't. Is that weird?? I think I am like this because I have always been the Listeing and giving advice friend and not the sharing and wanting advice one. I'm just used to being that way and found my ways to vent emotions...
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 1K Views
  • #JimmyKimmel #RobSchneider #DonaldTrumpPresident2024 #Donald_Trump #rich
    Well said, sir. Well said...
    #JimmyKimmel #RobSchneider #DonaldTrumpPresident2024 #Donald_Trump #rich Well said, sir. Well said... https://fandomwire.com/you-and-oprah-are-rich-it-doesnt-affect-you-jimmy-kimmel-gets-a-harsh-reality-check-from-rob-schneider-after-he-cried-and-called-donald-trump-winning-a-mistake/
    “You and Oprah are rich… it doesn’t affect you”: Jimmy Kimmel Gets a Harsh Reality Check From Rob Schneider After He Cried and Called Donald Trump Winning a Mistake
    Rob Schneider called out Jimmy Kimmel for crying live during his talk show after Donald Trump's victory, with the actor also criticizing Oprah Winfrey.
    2 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 2K Views
  • #Autumn #mist #fog
    #Autumn #mist #fog
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 788 Views
  • #autumn #fog #mist #lake
    #autumn #fog #mist #lake
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 985 Views
  • https://youtu.be/xlBikPOehEg?si=bt1Gafw9VdJk6z9d

    Once again I find myself alone, I feel there is no other way
    Can it be I’ve got a heart of stone? I feel my life is written like a play
    Help me say it loud, The visions in my mind won’t let me down
    Help me get my cure, There’s something else, I cannot be for sure

    Talk to me, come on - I feel your hate so clear, I feel it all around
    Talk to me, come on - I never thought I’d fear my own desires near

    I don’t wanna stare into thе darkness or settle for thе give and take
    Can it be we have another problem? I feel like everything is a mistake
    Help me say it loud, The visions in my mind won’t let me down
    Help me get my cure, There’s something else, I cannot be for sure

    Talk to me, come on - I feel your hate so clear, I feel it all around
    Talk to me, come on - I never thought I’d fear my own desires near
    Talk to me, come on - oh I cannot let you go, my black heart tells me so
    Talk to me, come on - oh I don’t want to be vain, a life without your name

    Just talk to me, just talk to me
    Talk to me, talk to me, just talk to me
    https://youtu.be/xlBikPOehEg?si=bt1Gafw9VdJk6z9d Once again I find myself alone, I feel there is no other way Can it be I’ve got a heart of stone? I feel my life is written like a play Help me say it loud, The visions in my mind won’t let me down Help me get my cure, There’s something else, I cannot be for sure Talk to me, come on - I feel your hate so clear, I feel it all around Talk to me, come on - I never thought I’d fear my own desires near I don’t wanna stare into thе darkness or settle for thе give and take Can it be we have another problem? I feel like everything is a mistake Help me say it loud, The visions in my mind won’t let me down Help me get my cure, There’s something else, I cannot be for sure Talk to me, come on - I feel your hate so clear, I feel it all around Talk to me, come on - I never thought I’d fear my own desires near Talk to me, come on - oh I cannot let you go, my black heart tells me so Talk to me, come on - oh I don’t want to be vain, a life without your name Just talk to me, just talk to me Talk to me, talk to me, just talk to me
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 1K Views
  • Far-Right Christian Fundamentalism vs Far-Left Woke mentality. Both are the reason our country in is dire straits. Both sides have lost the ability to laugh at themselves, and when you have extremists with an egotistical obstruction for compromise and a knee-jerk emotional reaction to everything they don't agree with...welcome to 2024.

    Far-Right Christian Fundamentalism vs Far-Left Woke mentality. Both are the reason our country in is dire straits. Both sides have lost the ability to laugh at themselves, and when you have extremists with an egotistical obstruction for compromise and a knee-jerk emotional reaction to everything they don't agree with...welcome to 2024. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCsGRCf8T9Y
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 1K Views
  • German Police Officer got killed. Watch the other Officers, standing around, yelling "Messer weg!" ([put] [the] Knife away) and did nothing. Only a Turkish Cop pulled the Gun and shot the Islamist. But too late -Cop died.

    German Police Officer got killed. Watch the other Officers, standing around, yelling "Messer weg!" ([put] [the] Knife away) and did nothing. Only a Turkish Cop pulled the Gun and shot the Islamist. But too late -Cop died. https://odysee.com/@ritterdermeinungsfreiheit1727:9/!!-messerangriff-auf-michael:2
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 1K Views
  • Im kinda torn about Sleep Token. It is somewhat overrated, because it is kinda "mainstream suited metal for pick me girls" Thats what I would describe it as. But tbh, I kinda like some of their songs for their nostalgic sound and the voice of the main man. The Chemistry references in this song make my geek heart drip :D
    Im kinda torn about Sleep Token. It is somewhat overrated, because it is kinda "mainstream suited metal for pick me girls" Thats what I would describe it as. But tbh, I kinda like some of their songs for their nostalgic sound and the voice of the main man. The Chemistry references in this song make my geek heart drip :D https://youtu.be/uU5vVT_Cp7c
    4 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 576 Views
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