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  • Bastardos
    So Noodles went to SDSU for 5 years and since then, I've kept my eye out for them, in basketball and football. Annnnnnd for DECADES Noodles has been highly disappointed. So this March Madness, I didn't even look at the bracket and then these fags end up eliminating Alabama, in a crazy upset and not only did I not see it, but I didn't know about it. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr  >=(
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  • Inclusiveness = Fucking Weirdos or Scams
    It sounds nice...Supposedly means to accept everyone in a good way and respect one another. But that's not how it's being applied. Everytime I see that word used to describe an organziation or someone who is pushing it, all I see is fucking weirdoes wanting to introduce small children to disgusting things. Trying to have some depravity accepted by society like it was normal. Some mentally ill,...
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  • Reading A Great Article on OverDoses in the US
    It starts with the opiates pushed by Big Pharma and the addiction that zoomed once the Chinese started pumping out Fentanyl...Then giving it to the Mexican Cartels etc etc. Nothing we all don't know about, seen a show, read a book, have a cousin/brother/friend or even have suffered through addiction ourselves.  Now Noodles will tell you Noodles can't stand Drug Addicts...Having seen all...
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