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  • Everybody is talking about vampyfreaks.com. We are here because it is not crowded, it doesn't have too many users. Sincerely yours, an introvert...
    Everybody is talking about vampyfreaks.com. We are here because it is not crowded, it doesn't have too many users. Sincerely yours, an introvert...
    2 Comments 0 Shares 136 Views
  • #AI #artificialintelligence #Internet #Internetculture #timetraveller #tiktok #fastcompany #time
    #AI #artificialintelligence #Internet #Internetculture #timetraveller #tiktok #fastcompany #time https://www.fastcompany.com/91280871/this-ai-trend-lets-tiktok-users-relive-historys-best-and-worst-moments
    0 Comments 0 Shares 656 Views
  • #vampirefreaks
    It is always a pleasure to see some old VF users in here. Good surprise.
    #vampirefreaks It is always a pleasure to see some old VF users in here. Good surprise.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 710 Views
  • IT people: -exist-

    Users: CaN yOu gEt mE a ChEaP gAmInG LaPtoP???

    No, but I will get you a kick in the face. Multiple times. For free.
    IT people: -exist- Users: CaN yOu gEt mE a ChEaP gAmInG LaPtoP??? 😐 No, but I will get you a kick in the face. Multiple times. For free.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 336 Views
  • Best advice an IT technician can give to his users. :D
    Best advice an IT technician can give to his users. :D
    0 Comments 0 Shares 466 Views
  • I remember a couple Years ago, when I celebrate Silvester with Vampire Freaks. So much different People from around the World, we exchanged Greetings, wrote Poems, Songtextes and so on in our Mother Tongue. So sad, it's over. I hope we can make Heyfreaks next Year to a better Place. It will never as good as VF, but with effort, there will be more Users and more Traffic, it will be a nice and interesting Place to be. Best Wishes from Germany, blessed be, lovely Freaks
    I remember a couple Years ago, when I celebrate Silvester with Vampire Freaks. So much different People from around the World, we exchanged Greetings, wrote Poems, Songtextes and so on in our Mother Tongue. So sad, it's over. I hope we can make Heyfreaks next Year to a better Place. It will never as good as VF, but with effort, there will be more Users and more Traffic, it will be a nice and interesting Place to be. Best Wishes from Germany, blessed be, lovely Freaks
    3 Comments 0 Shares 683 Views
  • #dna #hackers #hacking #23andme #darkweb

    #dna #hackers #hacking #23andme #darkweb https://techcrunch.com/2023/12/04/23andme-confirms-hackers-stole-ancestry-data-on-6-9-million-users/?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAGimK9rTKwjUkWox49tz2DCWEDdirQ3ya3P50qd1l465wCI_-uQ3Gctgnt8coubmTt4j3umw1uXsOwCF3_rfkX_pBanTrKxnpVjcj014X6jpYntp6jyqJoq8CQGwAVtAtzUyEiik-SclKB3InqIEqs7rpci0EkAyvemBmZVBM8x5
    23andMe confirms hackers stole ancestry data on 6.9 million users | TechCrunch
    Genetic testing company 23andMe revealed that its data breach was much worse than previously reported, hitting about half of its total customers.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1K Views
  • Feed cleared for myself. Toxic users blocked
    Feed cleared 🙃 for myself. Toxic users blocked
    2 Comments 0 Shares 270 Views
  • Dearest [laurababy134]

    It is with great despair that I write this publicly, but I feel instantly betrayed by your actions

    My heart leapt for joy when you choose me out of the many users to message and ask to discuss a matter in private. I had the perfect scenario laid out. Barry White playing in the background, the half drunk bottle of champagne sat in the lukewarm air and the cheap haribo replica looking wedding ring hidden among a half eaten punnet of strawberries

    However, my heart was broken when I saw you were posting the same copy and paste message to everyone else here

    Therefore, we have nothing to discuss except how you have broken my heart and how I now have to tell my eccentric great aunt Mildred that I have not found a worthy wife in order to inherit her vast fortune when she passes away from years of smoking

    Yours sincerely

    P. S. It wasn't a replicated ring, I just painted a standard haribo ring gold and sprayed it with glitter
    Dearest [laurababy134] It is with great despair that I write this publicly, but I feel instantly betrayed by your actions My heart leapt for joy when you choose me out of the many users to message and ask to discuss a matter in private. I had the perfect scenario laid out. Barry White playing in the background, the half drunk bottle of champagne sat in the lukewarm air and the cheap haribo replica looking wedding ring hidden among a half eaten punnet of strawberries However, my heart was broken when I saw you were posting the same copy and paste message to everyone else here Therefore, we have nothing to discuss except how you have broken my heart and how I now have to tell my eccentric great aunt Mildred that I have not found a worthy wife in order to inherit her vast fortune when she passes away from years of smoking Yours sincerely Chunk P. S. It wasn't a replicated ring, I just painted a standard haribo ring gold and sprayed it with glitter
    15 Comments 0 Shares 420 Views
  • "Social media users could face two years in prison for sending messages or posting content that causes 'psychological harm'..."

    Without a constitutionally guaranteed right of free speech, this is what can happen. And with all of the emotional snowflakes out there, who seem to consider being offended like it is a badge of honor or something, just imagine how widely this could be applied.

    To be sure, there are plenty of threats to free speech in the USA. Here, since the The Constitution prohibits Federal / State legislatures (and municipal equivalents) from passing something like that described in the article, they can just side-step it by colluding with the private sector (i.e., Facebook censorship, etc.), to which the 1st Amendment does not apply.

    But at least one can choose to not use platforms that bend over to a certain ideology...can't escape the state itself, unless one moves outside its borders.

    Of course I could talk all day about the merits of political migration. If you know, you know.

    "Social media users could face two years in prison for sending messages or posting content that causes 'psychological harm'..." Without a constitutionally guaranteed right of free speech, this is what can happen. And with all of the emotional snowflakes out there, who seem to consider being offended like it is a badge of honor or something, just imagine how widely this could be applied. To be sure, there are plenty of threats to free speech in the USA. Here, since the The Constitution prohibits Federal / State legislatures (and municipal equivalents) from passing something like that described in the article, they can just side-step it by colluding with the private sector (i.e., Facebook censorship, etc.), to which the 1st Amendment does not apply. But at least one can choose to not use platforms that bend over to a certain ideology...can't escape the state itself, unless one moves outside its borders. Of course I could talk all day about the merits of political migration. If you know, you know. https://fee.org/articles/uk-considering-legislation-that-would-imprison-internet-trolls/
    UK Considering Legislation That Would Imprison Internet Trolls
    “Trolls could face two years in prison for sending messages or posting content that causes psychological harm under legislation targeting online hate,” the Times of London reports.
    2 Comments 0 Shares 474 Views
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