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I' am Oliver from Germany.
I was Member of Vampirefreaks, my name was Dr Thodt.
There is not much more to tell about me, at least not about the present.
Many years ago I had something like a life, but that was a long time ago. There is nothing left of everything that made me and what I achieved. I am not complaining, nor do I want pity. Things are the way they are. I once thought many years ago that I could have a better life, that I had left the old behind. I invested years in education, work, etc. But it was in vain. I lived a full, exciting life, but one that many would call "bad". And at some point I thought I could achieve more, open new doors and live a "proper" life. That was the biggest mistake of my life. My "bad" life was what I found fulfilment and recognition in. I couldn't fit into the "normal" life because I wasn't given a chance. I did everything the way it was considered "right" and "correct". What did I get in return? Nothing. On the contrary, things only got worse. My old world no longer exists. There is nothing left. Now I eke out an existence. But I don't want to complain, it was my decision, my mistake. Now I have to bear the consequences. I don't want to complain, there are people who are much worse off. I just have to accept that there is no hope. I am just good for nothing.
  • 82 Posts
  • 36 Photos
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  • Lives in Halle/Saxony Anhalt/East Germany
  • From Witten/Occult Murder Town/West Germany
  • Male
  • Single
  • 11/07/1912
  • Followed by 31 people
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