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  • Train to Busan. What a movie!!
    Train to Busan. What a movie!!
    4 Commentaires 0 Parts
  • You cannot stop glaring at other woman. Its a natural state. You have no control or self restraint
    You cannot stop glaring at other woman. Its a natural state. You have no control or self restraint
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts
  • Usually when the hype-train/the hive-mind/popular mainstream pipeline says something is great, I tend to be very skeptical because usually, they're wrong.
    But one of the few things they got right is how dope Biggie Smalls was, is and always will be. Still a fan after all these years.

    Usually when the hype-train/the hive-mind/popular mainstream pipeline says something is great, I tend to be very skeptical because usually, they're wrong. But one of the few things they got right is how dope Biggie Smalls was, is and always will be. Still a fan after all these years. R.I.P. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtHkAMutZO8
    1 Commentaires 0 Parts
  • I'm going to put this out there and you are gonna think I am weird as hell for it but that is okay. Mother's Day can be hard for a lot of people. It can be hard for those who can not have kids but want kids. It can be hard for people who have lost kids and carry them now just in their hearts and memories. It can also be hard for those who have lost Mother's or have strained relationships with toxic Mother's.

    No matter your situation you are seen and recognized and if you have lost a child you are still a mom, if you can not have a child but love friends kids with a mother's heart you are still a mom and if you are in a toxic relationship with a mom that is their loss because you are worthy of love and I hope you treat yourselves this weekend and remember you have value and worth. Keep your heads up! <3
    I'm going to put this out there and you are gonna think I am weird as hell for it but that is okay. Mother's Day can be hard for a lot of people. It can be hard for those who can not have kids but want kids. It can be hard for people who have lost kids and carry them now just in their hearts and memories. It can also be hard for those who have lost Mother's or have strained relationships with toxic Mother's. No matter your situation you are seen and recognized and if you have lost a child you are still a mom, if you can not have a child but love friends kids with a mother's heart you are still a mom and if you are in a toxic relationship with a mom that is their loss because you are worthy of love and I hope you treat yourselves this weekend and remember you have value and worth. Keep your heads up! <3
    4 Commentaires 0 Parts
  • Stuck in trainings all day. This sucks. I should've had whiskey instead.
    Stuck in trainings all day. This sucks. I should've had whiskey instead.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts
  • College administrators and law enforcement seem to be showing restraint if you ask me. No water cannons, flash grenades, or expelling people from the university like in the 60's.

    College administrators and law enforcement seem to be showing restraint if you ask me. No water cannons, flash grenades, or expelling people from the university like in the 60's. https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinian-campus-student-protests-war-2ab919ad849c50c9d177a32c0309bd1e
    Anti-war protesters dig in as some schools close encampments after reports of antisemitic activity
    Students protesting the Israel-Hamas war at universities across U.S. dug in Saturday and vowed to keep their demonstrations going.
    2 Commentaires 0 Parts
  • #pixelart #train #blue_hour
    #pixelart #train #blue_hour
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts
  • #japan #landscape #train #pixelart
    #japan #landscape #train #pixelart
    3 Commentaires 0 Parts
  • re-tuned my Jackson Kelly guitar, was going to work on music tonight but am just way too tired from the week. cleaned the condo appointment's the past 2 days. have physical therapy for my right shoulder tomorrow before work then a closeting shift. trying to find time to visit a friend in the hospital when i can soon. my neighbors dog is barking and there it literally NOTHING at all so idk...kind of sad when people don't train there animals properly. Looking forward to the next concert i go to soon,its been a WEEK for sure.
    re-tuned my Jackson Kelly guitar, was going to work on music tonight but am just way too tired from the week. cleaned the condo appointment's the past 2 days. have physical therapy for my right shoulder tomorrow before work then a closeting shift. trying to find time to visit a friend in the hospital when i can soon. my neighbors dog is barking and there it literally NOTHING at all so idk...kind of sad when people don't train there animals properly. Looking forward to the next concert i go to soon,its been a WEEK for sure.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts
  • #retro #trains
    Inside a train during the 1950s/1960s in the States.
    Things were far better back then wherever you were.
    #retro #trains Inside a train during the 1950s/1960s in the States. Things were far better back then wherever you were.
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