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  • #beard #change #shave #viking #kate_moss
    #beard #change #shave #viking #kate_moss THIS IS AN ABOMINATION!!! https://sg.style.yahoo.com/wife-expresses-her-regret-making-211354119.html
    Wife expresses her regret for making husband shave his beard after seeing the results
    ‘Girl... he went from I’ll chop the firewood to can you open this pickle jar for me?’
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  • Aqua Velva Ice Blue. Now that was a real man's aftershave! When you splashed that on, there was no question if you'd nicked yourself.
    Aqua Velva Ice Blue. Now that was a real man's aftershave! When you splashed that on, there was no question if you'd nicked yourself.
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  • Sometimes I shave completely, put makeup on and lurk in the dark to scare the living shit out of people.
    Sometimes I shave completely, put makeup on and lurk in the dark to scare the living shit out of people. πŸ’€
    1 Comments 0 Shares
  • Started the reshaving process of my head. Back and sides down. Have to wet shave and shower, but short break for now.
    Started the reshaving process of my head. Back and sides down. Have to wet shave and shower, but short break for now.
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  • Shaved and put on makeup.

    The result is this tragedy. Yes, this is totally how I look like at work.
    Shaved and put on makeup. The result is this tragedy. Yes, this is totally how I look like at work.πŸ™ƒ
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  • The Role of Barbers in Creating a Stylish and Inviting Space For Customers

    In the bustling city of Rochester, barbershops are more than just places to get a haircut; they are sanctuaries of style and comfort. A grooming parlor in Rochester isn't just about the trim or the shave; it's about the experience - a blend of style, comfort, and personal touch. Barbers in these cozy nooks do more than cut hair; they craft inviting and stylish spaces, offering a welcome break from the hustle and bustle of daily life. The role of barbers in crafting these inviting spaces is paramount.

    Read More :
    The Role of Barbers in Creating a Stylish and Inviting Space For Customers In the bustling city of Rochester, barbershops are more than just places to get a haircut; they are sanctuaries of style and comfort. A grooming parlor in Rochester isn't just about the trim or the shave; it's about the experience - a blend of style, comfort, and personal touch. Barbers in these cozy nooks do more than cut hair; they craft inviting and stylish spaces, offering a welcome break from the hustle and bustle of daily life. The role of barbers in crafting these inviting spaces is paramount. Read More :
    Enhanced GentleMen Grooming Parlor Rochester
    The Role of Barbers in Creating a Stylish and Inviting Space For Customers In the bustling city of Rochester, barbershops are more than just places to get a haircut; they are sanctuaries of style and comfort. A grooming parlor in Rochester isn't just about the trim or the shave; it's about the
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  • Natrual Born Killers vibes. Might shave my head again idk.
    Natrual Born Killers vibes. Might shave my head again idk.
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  • been messing around with different shave designs for my undercut!
    been messing around with different shave designs for my undercut!
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  • Customer: You remind me of someone...

    Me: Oh? Someone you know or a celebrity?

    Customer: I think a celebrity. Its really bothering me. I gotta remember who soon or it's going to bother me all day.

    Me: Ah, well, if you do remember please let me know. I'm curious.


    ~customer comes back~

    Customer: I got it! I know who you look like!

    Me: Go on, tell me!

    Customer: Marlon Brando, and I mean that in the best way!

    Me: Aw shucks, really? He was such a beautiful ma-

    Customer: But specifically when he was in Apocalypse Now! Same face shape, mouth shape, eyes, facial expressions, everything! Just shave and you could be Kurtz's kid!


    Me: Motherfucker...
    Customer: You remind me of someone... Me: Oh? Someone you know or a celebrity? Customer: I think a celebrity. Its really bothering me. I gotta remember who soon or it's going to bother me all day. Me: Ah, well, if you do remember please let me know. I'm curious. ONE HOUR LATER: ~customer comes back~ Customer: I got it! I know who you look like! Me: Go on, tell me! Customer: Marlon Brando, and I mean that in the best way! Me: ☺️ Aw shucks, really? He was such a beautiful ma- Customer: But specifically when he was in Apocalypse Now! Same face shape, mouth shape, eyes, facial expressions, everything! Just shave and you could be Kurtz's kid! Me: 😐 Me: Motherfucker...
    6 Comments 0 Shares