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  • Dreadlock season is back
    Dreadlock season is back
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  • #videogames #tvshow #tvshows #Fallout

    #videogames #tvshow #tvshows #Fallout https://www.ign.com/articles/new-fallout-season-2-set-photo-leak-teases-the-return-of-a-jurassic-pal-from-new-vegas
    New Fallout Season 2 Set Photo Leak Teases the Return of a Jurassic Pal From New Vegas - IGN
    Fallout is heading into familiar territory for Season 2. New Vegas is in the cards, and thanks to a new purported set photo leak, we might have some more confirmation about the sights we'll see again; specifically, one giant dino.
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  • Been a crazy past few days here. Got hit with 7 inches of snow here in MN,so lot of shoveling. Lots of guitar practice and working on my battle jacket,it's supposed to be warm temps but instead we got the cold ones per usual. Hopeing to attend a concert overseas this year will have to see how that plays out first. Got yelled at by one of my lead cahiers for not putting some wet produce back into the plastic bag correctly ? (Didn't know that was a thing?) So it was awkward the rest of the shift bagging for her,funny thing is that she likes me and kinda asked me out,said no because I didn't want work drama and to potentially loose my job if it went South. People in MN sure are an odd bunch...
    Been a crazy past few days here. Got hit with 7 inches of snow here in MN,so lot of shoveling. Lots of guitar practice and working on my battle jacket,it's supposed to be warm temps but instead we got the cold ones per usual. Hopeing to attend a concert overseas this year will have to see how that plays out first. Got yelled at by one of my lead cahiers for not putting some wet produce back into the plastic bag correctly ? (Didn't know that was a thing?) So it was awkward the rest of the shift bagging for her,funny thing is that she likes me and kinda asked me out,said no because I didn't want work drama and to potentially loose my job if it went South. People in MN sure are an odd bunch...
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  • Chanuka Bush decorated...check. Cards and letters of support to my Hebros Zelensky and Netanyahu, fighting tyranny and terrorism this holiday season...check. Alcohol and cannabis products stockpiled...check. Tomorow we will celebrate. To kick things off early, here is late Jewish character actor Dick Shawn on stage to introduce one of my fave old school bands, RATT!

    Chanuka Bush decorated...check. Cards and letters of support to my Hebros Zelensky and Netanyahu, fighting tyranny and terrorism this holiday season...check. Alcohol and cannabis products stockpiled...check. Tomorow we will celebrate. To kick things off early, here is late Jewish character actor Dick Shawn on stage to introduce one of my fave old school bands, RATT! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plnVbaoF0nQ
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  • Do not try & go buy some TranceMusic at the recordstore this season, i allready purchaed it ALL. Greetings TranceCracker Kid-Mc Cookiecutter.
    Do not try & go buy some TranceMusic at the recordstore this season, i allready purchaed it ALL. Greetings TranceCracker Kid-Mc Cookiecutter.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 786 Views
  • Some good news this holiday season.

    Some good news this holiday season. https://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2024/12/17/Fireball-Flo-106th-birthday-Loveland-Ohio/6691734470792/
    Watch: 106-year-old woman stays young with positivity, Fireball whiskey - UPI.com
    A woman who celebrated her 106th birthday at her retirement home in Ohio credited her long life to a positive attitude -- and a love of Fireball whiskey.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 606 Views
  • What I hate most about this season aside from overcrowded christmas markets and pretending to like glühwein is having to think of christmas presents for people...
    I never know what to get even if i know the people very well...Also all of them are terrible in expressing wishes and whatever they want they just get it on their own...
    What I hate most about this season aside from overcrowded christmas markets and pretending to like glühwein is having to think of christmas presents for people... I never know what to get even if i know the people very well...Also all of them are terrible in expressing wishes and whatever they want they just get it on their own...
    4 Comments 0 Shares 514 Views

    Look at me listening to depressing shit. :D :D :D
    TIS THE SEASON TO BE JOLLY!!!!! Look at me listening to depressing shit. :D :D :D
    0 Comments 0 Shares 362 Views
  • I've never really been a fan of the Christmas season.
    People preach goodness and mercy but the towns are more like a miserable masquerade party...

    Between the beautifully decorated stalls, the crowds jostle and mob each other. accompanied by the booming horns of drivers in the background arguing about the overcrowded parking lots.

    I'm actually more of an extrovert, but this overcrowding makes me feel unspeakably uncomfortable, which pushes me back into my empty apartment.
    I've never really been a fan of the Christmas season. People preach goodness and mercy but the towns are more like a miserable masquerade party... Between the beautifully decorated stalls, the crowds jostle and mob each other. accompanied by the booming horns of drivers in the background arguing about the overcrowded parking lots. I'm actually more of an extrovert, but this overcrowding makes me feel unspeakably uncomfortable, which pushes me back into my empty apartment.
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  • What better way but to name a punk band based on a sexually transmitting disease. InfernalHate Affectmentis CristallDarcy LeftBehind I know you guys will love this as I know y'all are secretly still punk.
    What better way but to name a punk band based on a sexually transmitting disease. [InfernalHate] [Affectmentis] [CristallDarcy] [LeftBehind] I know you guys will love this as I know y'all are secretly still punk. 🥰
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