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  • Hot weather isn't your thing? May I suggest a different climatic change?

    Hot weather isn't your thing? May I suggest a different climatic change? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPX2YEQc3tE
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones
  • Apparently a debate is happening tonight.

    Instead of that, my evening will consist of:
    - Monthly Board of Directors meeting;
    - Beers / dinner at local watering hole;
    - Crunching statewide political data.
    Apparently a debate is happening tonight. Instead of that, my evening will consist of: - Monthly Board of Directors meeting; - Beers / dinner at local watering hole; - Crunching statewide political data.
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones
  • And now for something completely different...

    Master of Puppets on FLOPPOTRON 3.0

    And now for something completely different... Master of Puppets on FLOPPOTRON 3.0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtRVTYMA87k
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones
  • Still alive but I hardly have stable web access atm :D

    Home access is currently done for (cable probably died of) and my landlord is an lazy ass regarding fixing this issue

    Survivable... however annoying AF :P
    Still alive but I hardly have stable web access atm :D Home access is currently done for (cable probably died of) and my landlord is an lazy ass regarding fixing this issue 🙄 Survivable... however annoying AF :P
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones
  • LeftBehind Same match but different cam angles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewzfBZ0yGpE
    [LeftBehind] Same match but different cam angles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewzfBZ0yGpE
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones
  • Current photos of me
    Current photos of me
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones
  • Apparently, I'm supposed to know all 50 STates and every city in each of those 50 States .-.

    I'm not a geography Professor .-.
    Apparently, I'm supposed to know all 50 STates and every city in each of those 50 States .-. I'm not a geography Professor .-.
    6 Commentarios 0 Acciones
  • I really need a new bike. Apparently the axis of my back wheel is broken and I have been cycling around with that for the past week and kept wondering why my gears slip so often :D:D Totally not a death trap :D If I have a guardian angel that guy deserves a raise. Propably held the axis with their bare hands while I was mindlessly flying downhill for an entire week!
    I really need a new bike. Apparently the axis of my back wheel is broken and I have been cycling around with that for the past week and kept wondering why my gears slip so often :D:D Totally not a death trap :D If I have a guardian angel that guy deserves a raise. Propably held the axis with their bare hands while I was mindlessly flying downhill for an entire week!
    14 Commentarios 0 Acciones
  • HAHAHAHA if the emotions arent DEMONIC ! You can keep em. Im not interested. You bore me.

    HAHAHAHA 😅😅if the emotions arent DEMONIC ! You can keep em. Im not interested. You bore me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mq-kTUSwDZw
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones
  • Sooo apparently I am not just overworked I am also Iron deficient. Great. No after Meal coffees for me anymore...
    So I am constanlty tired from ADHD brunout and iron deficientcy and because of that I am not supposed to drink coffee anymore. How am I supposed to function?
    Fuck you evolution! why did you make coffee & tea infulence the iron uptake in our body?!
    Sooo apparently I am not just overworked I am also Iron deficient. Great. No after Meal coffees for me anymore... So I am constanlty tired from ADHD brunout and iron deficientcy and because of that I am not supposed to drink coffee anymore. How am I supposed to function? Fuck you evolution! why did you make coffee & tea infulence the iron uptake in our body?!
    7 Commentarios 0 Acciones
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