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  • No Biden doesnt have parkinsins a disease that effects things like speech, Because he has dementia a disease effecting things like memory and cognitive function, don't let them gas light you into believing hes got something that doesnt effect his memory, incase thats what they are going to try to do.
    No Biden doesnt have parkinsins a disease that effects things like speech, Because he has dementia a disease effecting things like memory and cognitive function, don't let them gas light you into believing hes got something that doesnt effect his memory, incase thats what they are going to try to do.
    2 Comments 0 Shares 252 Views
  • In memory of Evil_D...never forget!

    In memory of Evil_D...never forget! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLb0rbDrcQI
    0 Comments 0 Shares 213 Views
  • Their best song, hands down. It really hits home. At 21, the music was a breath of fresh air. Raw, unbridled, and the fact I knew a 19 year old chick who danced to this song at a strip joint...it's ingrained in my memory, for good reason.

    Their best song, hands down. It really hits home. At 21, the music was a breath of fresh air. Raw, unbridled, and the fact I knew a 19 year old chick who danced to this song at a strip joint...it's ingrained in my memory, for good reason. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EcqOR5gt_M
    3 Comments 0 Shares 138 Views
  • So much personal family dramas driving me insane ,want to move to the moon and erase all of my memory of them
    So much personal family dramas driving me insane ,want to move to the moon and erase all of my memory of them
    2 Comments 0 Shares 344 Views
  • #voyager #spaceship #memory

    #voyager #spaceship #memory https://www.tomshardware.com/tech-industry/nasas-voyager-1-satellite-is-currently-lost-in-deep-space-due-to-a-critical-memory-error
    NASA's Voyager 1 probe is malfunctioning in deep space due to a critical memory error
    A bit was flipped or corrupted in the volatile memory of the Flight Data Subsystem used to control the Voyager 1
    0 Comments 0 Shares 419 Views
  • Some of you may need to cut down before you morph into a Dorito munching short term memory losing couch potato.

    Some of you may need to cut down before you morph into a Dorito munching short term memory losing couch potato. https://www.sciencealert.com/cannabis-use-linked-to-epigenetic-changes-scientists-reveal
    Cannabis Use Linked to Epigenetic Changes, Scientists Reveal
    Using cannabis may cause changes in the human body's epigenome, a study of over 1,000 adults suggests.
    2 Comments 0 Shares 252 Views
  • Let me tell ya, the older kids gave little Hebrew a hard time back in the day...but it was tough love. One positive memory left from an ancient time, it's the music. All the reason and rhyme.

    Let me tell ya, the older kids gave little Hebrew a hard time back in the day...but it was tough love. One positive memory left from an ancient time, it's the music. All the reason and rhyme. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9h2H5Sgzfw
    0 Comments 0 Shares 171 Views
  • Memory lane sucks when you look at old photos thinking man, I've lost so much self esteem I literally use to love myself so much and now I can barely stand to see my reflection. What happened to that smile? Will I ever get that spark back? I sure hope so...
    Memory lane sucks when you look at old photos thinking man, I've lost so much self esteem I literally use to love myself so much and now I can barely stand to see my reflection. What happened to that smile? Will I ever get that spark back? I sure hope so...
    4 Comments 0 Shares 165 Views
  • I want to learn/apprender? Spanish/espanol but Duolino would have had me/mi? saying Tu/you to everyone and not knowing its rude the/el last time I tried to learn/apprender it.

    the word matches was off memory if I got it all completely wrong its been awhile.
    I want to learn/apprender? Spanish/espanol but Duolino would have had me/mi? saying Tu/you to everyone and not knowing its rude the/el last time I tried to learn/apprender it. the word matches was off memory if I got it all completely wrong its been awhile.
    2 Comments 0 Shares 174 Views
  • My Question is:

    Will there be some sort of Purge in Westernized Countries that have been infested by Woke Ideology?

    Like remember when they wanted to jail those who refused to get vaccinated?

    Or go to church/the gym/the parks/restaurants/shows/games/movies etc?

    Or allow you to work OR EVEN TAKE ONLINE COURSES?

    Before you say "So there were no camps Noodles"

    Remember the FORCED quarantine camps in Australia, Austria, Canada and New Zealand?

    Not hotels CAMPS with guards and barb wires or walls etc.

    No? Funny how memory works huh?

    So will they try hat shit with Trans Ideology? Climate Change? Abortion Rights? Gun Rights?

    They now have the infrastructure for it.

    My Question is: Will there be some sort of Purge in Westernized Countries that have been infested by Woke Ideology? Like remember when they wanted to jail those who refused to get vaccinated? Or go to church/the gym/the parks/restaurants/shows/games/movies etc? Or allow you to work OR EVEN TAKE ONLINE COURSES? Before you say "So there were no camps Noodles" Remember the FORCED quarantine camps in Australia, Austria, Canada and New Zealand? Not hotels CAMPS with guards and barb wires or walls etc. No? Funny how memory works huh? So will they try hat shit with Trans Ideology? Climate Change? Abortion Rights? Gun Rights? They now have the infrastructure for it.
    4 Comments 0 Shares 256 Views
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