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  • Biden could pull his pants down and take a crap on the stage while saying: after pooping i want my ice cream.
    And people would still vote for him, Some people in America are beyond stupid with the best mental gymnastics in the world.
    Biden could pull his pants down and take a crap on the stage while saying: after pooping i want my ice cream. And people would still vote for him, Some people in America are beyond stupid with the best mental gymnastics in the world.
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos
  • Neopolitan ice cream anyone? 🩷
    Neopolitan ice cream anyone? 😅🍨🤎🩷🤍
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos
  • Obsolescence, InfernalHate and LiveFreeOrDie have promised to buy everyone ice cream today so line up, people!
    [Obsolescence], [InfernalHate] and [LiveFreeOrDie] have promised to buy everyone ice cream today so line up, people!
    5 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos
  • Cheesecake strawberry ice cream cone with whipped cream n strawberries
    Cheesecake strawberry ice cream cone with whipped cream n strawberries
    2 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos
  • The face 6 year old me makes when I have ice cream and the other kids don't
    The face 6 year old me makes when I have ice cream and the other kids don't https://youtu.be/d0dD59FYxJ4
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos
  • Sleepy Joe was seen having an ice cream whilst watching the big balloon in the sky.
    He was stoked that the Chinese remembered it was his birthday and asked Jill if he could hold the balloon.
    Sleepy Joe was seen having an ice cream whilst watching the big balloon in the sky. He was stoked that the Chinese remembered it was his birthday and asked Jill if he could hold the balloon.
    2 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos
  • I currently am addicted to mint cookies and cream ice cream... yum
    I currently am addicted to mint cookies and cream ice cream... yum
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos
  • I swear I have laughed so much my face hurts. Found all my cookware and a few cool Christmas gifts, plus new shoes. Tried a new burger place. Played mini ski ball while we waited for the food. Now a movie and ice cream.

    I just need more nights like this in my life. 🤞🏻
    I swear I have laughed so much my face hurts. Found all my cookware and a few cool Christmas gifts, plus new shoes. Tried a new burger place. Played mini ski ball while we waited for the food. Now a movie and ice cream. I just need more nights like this in my life. 😍🤞🏻📵💜
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos
  • Thursdays have become nerve wrecking. The anxiety mixed with one minor inconvenience made today a record breaking bitch fest. But after much planning and cursing, I have hope it will go smoother than it has been.

    Plus, my hero brought us ice cream.
    Even I can't complain when there's ice cream involved.
    Thursdays have become nerve wrecking. The anxiety mixed with one minor inconvenience made today a record breaking bitch fest. But after much planning and cursing, I have hope it will go smoother than it has been. Plus, my hero brought us ice cream. Even I can't complain when there's ice cream involved.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos
  • I swear I´m fighting as hard as I can this instinctive need of becoming a couch potato...

    The fact I won 7 liters of ice-cream in a raffle is not helping. Not helping at all.
    I swear I´m fighting as hard as I can this instinctive need of becoming a couch potato... The fact I won 7 liters of ice-cream in a raffle is not helping. Not helping at all.
    3 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos
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