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  • Have a great Labor Day weekend!
    Have a great Labor Day weekend! 💕
    2 Commentaires 0 Parts
  • #movies #weekend #heatwave #pointbreak #frankenhooker

    Abnormal temperatures something like 43-45C (100-107F) and I will melt under the AC this weekend watching movies despite the sea is 5 minutes from here. I was thinking of Frankenhooker but I ended up with Point Break...
    #movies #weekend #heatwave #pointbreak #frankenhooker Abnormal temperatures something like 43-45C (100-107F) and I will melt under the AC this weekend watching movies despite the sea is 5 minutes from here. I was thinking of Frankenhooker but I ended up with Point Break...
    2 Commentaires 0 Parts
  • So I Finally have a Sleepend (a weekend that is dedicated to sleep and relaxing without any social obligations and events) and guess what. These assholes from the construction site next door decided to put in some extra work on a saturday...I do sleep like the dead but a drill right into my bedroom wall wakes even this corpse....
    So I Finally have a Sleepend (a weekend that is dedicated to sleep and relaxing without any social obligations and events) and guess what. These assholes from the construction site next door decided to put in some extra work on a saturday...I do sleep like the dead but a drill right into my bedroom wall wakes even this corpse....
    3 Commentaires 0 Parts
  • Long weekend starting tomorrow for the 4th. Time to get crunk and click heads. Cheers!
    Long weekend starting tomorrow for the 4th. Time to get crunk and click heads. Cheers!
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts
  • Me after spending a lot of time next to Midsummer bonfire this weekend:

    Me after spending a lot of time next to Midsummer bonfire this weekend: #pagan
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts
  • This weekend...Santorini, the volcano island.
    This weekend...Santorini, the volcano island.
    3 Commentaires 0 Parts
  • Day off last Friday, Then came Saturday, Sunday, Monday was day off again...worked yesterday (Tuesday), worked today...day off tomorrow (Thursday), day off on Friday too...then comes Saturday and Sunday.

    I love June.

    Hence...my weekend just started.
    Too early to start drinking. But too late to stop. Alcohol and football, Copa America and EuroCup. What else could a lady of culture ask for?

    Day off last Friday, Then came Saturday, Sunday, Monday was day off again...worked yesterday (Tuesday), worked today...day off tomorrow (Thursday), day off on Friday too...then comes Saturday and Sunday. I love June. Hence...my weekend just started. Too early to start drinking. But too late to stop. Alcohol and football, Copa America and EuroCup. What else could a lady of culture ask for? 😅 Cheers!.
    18 Commentaires 0 Parts
  • I've been feeling really good and energetic since the weekend (I haven't felt this good in a long time :))
    I really had a lot of fun in my personal space this weekend and can finally get on with cleaning up and optimizing my apartment as I was finally able to pick up a work table that I've been meaning to pick up for months.
    A really great start to the week :)
    I've been feeling really good and energetic since the weekend (I haven't felt this good in a long time :)) I really had a lot of fun in my personal space this weekend and can finally get on with cleaning up and optimizing my apartment as I was finally able to pick up a work table that I've been meaning to pick up for months. A really great start to the week :)
    1 Commentaires 0 Parts
  • Always love having nothing to do on the weekend, even decided to come back here for a spell to hopefully meet either someone new or making friends is cool with me
    Always love having nothing to do on the weekend, even decided to come back here for a spell to hopefully meet either someone new or making friends is cool with me 😅
    4 Commentaires 0 Parts
  • I'm going to put this out there and you are gonna think I am weird as hell for it but that is okay. Mother's Day can be hard for a lot of people. It can be hard for those who can not have kids but want kids. It can be hard for people who have lost kids and carry them now just in their hearts and memories. It can also be hard for those who have lost Mother's or have strained relationships with toxic Mother's.

    No matter your situation you are seen and recognized and if you have lost a child you are still a mom, if you can not have a child but love friends kids with a mother's heart you are still a mom and if you are in a toxic relationship with a mom that is their loss because you are worthy of love and I hope you treat yourselves this weekend and remember you have value and worth. Keep your heads up! <3
    I'm going to put this out there and you are gonna think I am weird as hell for it but that is okay. Mother's Day can be hard for a lot of people. It can be hard for those who can not have kids but want kids. It can be hard for people who have lost kids and carry them now just in their hearts and memories. It can also be hard for those who have lost Mother's or have strained relationships with toxic Mother's. No matter your situation you are seen and recognized and if you have lost a child you are still a mom, if you can not have a child but love friends kids with a mother's heart you are still a mom and if you are in a toxic relationship with a mom that is their loss because you are worthy of love and I hope you treat yourselves this weekend and remember you have value and worth. Keep your heads up! <3
    4 Commentaires 0 Parts
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