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  • One thing that this world has shown me is that those who are kind, good spirits will usually be attacked from birth onward and will have people talking crap about them even after they pass away, cold and alone with no one to hold. Those who are cruel, malicious, callous and vicious, will usually be praised, worshipped and live long happy lives of exploitation, manipulation and domination over others. They will usually pass peacefully with droves of loved ones they abused their whole lives around them, their victims continuing to sing their praises long after they have passed. It really boggles the mind.

    Recently my younger cousin passed away and her own mother was attempting to turn me against her at her daughters memorial. It was one of the most bizarre experiences of my life. Two days ago my abusive step grandmother who abused me and all my siblings (to the point where my mother wouldn’t let us go to her house anymore), passed away and everyone is singing her praises. I’m disgusted by this world. Ashley suffered her entire life and died at the age of 34 with no one around her to hold or comfort her. Her own young daughter found her dead… grandma Donna on the other hand passed peacefully in a hospital in her 90s having suffered no major health issues her entire life, surrounded by droves of worshippers who are singing her praises. When i politely asked my step father to stop texting me about it and i explained why, i was told I’m “bitter, malignant and unforgiving”… Ashley didn’t deserve what happened to her yet no one had a kind word to say about her at her own memorial despite her kindness and good spirit. She never harmed or abused anyone a day in her life and yet her mother relentlessly harassed her until her death. Grandma donna? Everyone thinks she’s the best thing since sliced butter after she let our step cousins bully my half brother to the point where my mom had to keep us from that side of the family for our safety. I’m disgusted by their love of evil. I said what I said.
    One thing that this world has shown me is that those who are kind, good spirits will usually be attacked from birth onward and will have people talking crap about them even after they pass away, cold and alone with no one to hold. Those who are cruel, malicious, callous and vicious, will usually be praised, worshipped and live long happy lives of exploitation, manipulation and domination over others. They will usually pass peacefully with droves of loved ones they abused their whole lives around them, their victims continuing to sing their praises long after they have passed. It really boggles the mind. Recently my younger cousin passed away and her own mother was attempting to turn me against her at her daughters memorial. It was one of the most bizarre experiences of my life. Two days ago my abusive step grandmother who abused me and all my siblings (to the point where my mother wouldn’t let us go to her house anymore), passed away and everyone is singing her praises. I’m disgusted by this world. Ashley suffered her entire life and died at the age of 34 with no one around her to hold or comfort her. Her own young daughter found her dead… grandma Donna on the other hand passed peacefully in a hospital in her 90s having suffered no major health issues her entire life, surrounded by droves of worshippers who are singing her praises. When i politely asked my step father to stop texting me about it and i explained why, i was told I’m “bitter, malignant and unforgiving”… Ashley didn’t deserve what happened to her yet no one had a kind word to say about her at her own memorial despite her kindness and good spirit. She never harmed or abused anyone a day in her life and yet her mother relentlessly harassed her until her death. Grandma donna? Everyone thinks she’s the best thing since sliced butter after she let our step cousins bully my half brother to the point where my mom had to keep us from that side of the family for our safety. I’m disgusted by their love of evil. I said what I said.
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  • https://youtu.be/fG7yHCbMQ40?si=IkNnl8JfiLw55PYt

    This should be the song all the diddy victims sang before they finally arrested him. That shit was going on forever. Joking aside i love kid cudi. This song is eerie and magnificent.
    https://youtu.be/fG7yHCbMQ40?si=IkNnl8JfiLw55PYt This should be the song all the diddy victims sang before they finally arrested him. That shit was going on forever. Joking aside i love kid cudi. This song is eerie and magnificent.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 815 Views
  • #victim
    2 Comments 0 Shares 148 Views
  • Im not a victim of SIN, cause ill just spit-n ,it out. haha
    Im not a victim of SIN, cause ill just spit-n ,it out. haha
    0 Comments 0 Shares 206 Views
  • So trump met with hurricane victims, raised millions for them and dropped off supplies....he only cares about himself though. What did Kamala do to help??
    So trump met with hurricane victims, raised millions for them and dropped off supplies....he only cares about himself though. What did Kamala do to help??
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1K Views
  • patreon.com/XZANTHIA
    #NarcissisticAbuse #GaslightingAwareness #HealingFromNarcissism
    #LifeAfterGaslighting #BreakingFreeFromToxicity #GaslightingRecovery
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    patreon.com/XZANTHIAπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ #NarcissisticAbuse #GaslightingAwareness #HealingFromNarcissism #LifeAfterGaslighting #BreakingFreeFromToxicity #GaslightingRecovery #SurvivingNarcissism #MentalHealthJourney #ToxicRelationshipHealing #EmotionalAbuseAwareness #LifeUpdate #SelfHealingJourney #TakingBackMyPower #ReclaimingMyLife #HealingAfterAbuse #MovingForwardInLife #FromVictimToSurvivor #GaslightingSurvivor #NoMoreToxicity #SelfLoveAndHealing https://www.instagram.com/reel/DAabZWOsmBo/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
    0 Comments 0 Shares 4K Views
  • This thing will blow up in 20 Years when the victims are older just like the Nickelodeon abuse scandal did and then people will be asking
    Why did people bring their kids to drag queen story hour?
    Good on this group for standing against it all!

    This thing will blow up in 20 Years when the victims are older just like the Nickelodeon abuse scandal did and then people will be asking Why did people bring their kids to drag queen story hour? Good on this group for standing against it all! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5X7XzKhN6LE
    0 Comments 0 Shares 504 Views
  • im not a victim of my Thougt in any Way RIGHT? HAHAHAHAHAHA
    im not a victim of my Thougt in any Way RIGHT? HAHAHAHAHAHA
    0 Comments 0 Shares 75 Views
  • Being a perpetual victim or taking it up the keister with gusto and laughing it off? Tough call...Adversity was our strength back in the day, but now it's just an excuse for misguided altruism.

    Being a perpetual victim or taking it up the keister with gusto and laughing it off? Tough call...Adversity was our strength back in the day, but now it's just an excuse for misguided altruism. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4H3A-Ne2jmI
    4 Comments 0 Shares 121 Views
  • Mattress tag removal is a victimless crime.
    Mattress tag removal is a victimless crime.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 124 Views
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