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Me Explaining Stuff To Guys on "Hey Freaks"https://twitter.com/MagaMemeWizard/status/1688276160403087360?s=20 I'm Ice-T in this scenario and yes this is what it would be like if I ever met Warhammer432.2 Комментарии 0 Поделились 824 Просмотры
Men's Stuff...No Ladies Allowed to OpineSo stay in the kitchen making me that Turkey Bacon BLT...Cus I eat Kosher that's why! Don't forget the avocado and jalapeños...So I guess it would really be more of a BLAJT Sammich. Yeah that! Anyways, everyone is complaining about White Women because to be honest you guys are the reason why everything is collapsing. BLM basically funded by jews and middle class white women. Antifa...0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 1Кб Просмотры
Trans StuffNow I'm a Libertarian...I don't care if you cut your boobs, penis, testicles whatever and dress in a dress etc. Not my body and none of my business...HOWEVER, I don't want to know about it, hear about or think it should be taught or pushed ESPECIALLY at a young age when kids are suceptible to making terrible lifelong mistakes. I don't think biological men should compete against women in...
WE Never Got Cool Stuff Like This When I Went To School!Makes me totally wish my imaginary kids went to this school where obviously they care about the children. Why else would you have a bag of cartoon porn, 15 condoms and a WOODEN DILDO there in Grab Bags for Kids at a Junior High? I mean...It's not sexxual right? It's cus of gay rights and what not...For the children. The nurse who passed this out to children should not get her ass beat up and...1 Комментарии 0 Поделились 903 Просмотры