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  • #POTUS #Donald_Trump #Trump #assassination #sniper #shots
    As a European citizen I really wish Donald Trump will become the next POTUS. He will end the Ukrainian war...and gets shot by a 20-year old 'lone wolf'. Yeah...right...and Oswald was the assassin of JFK...right...
    #POTUS #Donald_Trump #Trump #assassination #sniper #shots As a European citizen I really wish Donald Trump will become the next POTUS. He will end the Ukrainian war...and gets shot by a 20-year old 'lone wolf'. Yeah...right...and Oswald was the assassin of JFK...right...
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  • #videogames
    Screenshots from Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines 2. Cross your fingers people...
    #videogames Screenshots from Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines 2. Cross your fingers people...
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  • Dental Problems: An American Tale

    Me: I've got an absess in my jaw that won't really respond to antibiotics. I'm getting worried.

    My dad: Just do what I do. Take a few shots of whiskey and then punch yourself until it pops. It's going to hurt and taste like shit but it does the job.

    Me: The tooth that's causing the issue is loose. I'll probably just take pliers and yank it out in about a week.

    My dad: DON'T DO THAT! You're going to give yourself an infection!

    Me: I... I already have an infection. I think the only way I can make it worse is if I punch myself in the jaw...
    Dental Problems: An American Tale Me: I've got an absess in my jaw that won't really respond to antibiotics. I'm getting worried. My dad: Just do what I do. Take a few shots of whiskey and then punch yourself until it pops. It's going to hurt and taste like shit but it does the job. Me: The tooth that's causing the issue is loose. I'll probably just take pliers and yank it out in about a week. My dad: DON'T DO THAT! You're going to give yourself an infection! Me: I... I already have an infection. I think the only way I can make it worse is if I punch myself in the jaw...
    3 Comments 0 Shares
  • Had five shots of espresso and now I’m calm. What the actual hell lol?
    Had five shots of espresso and now I’m calm. What the actual hell lol?
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  • BATS BATS BATS BATS BATS BATS EVERYBODY! *sung to the shots song*
    BATS BATS BATS BATS BATS BATS EVERYBODY! *sung to the shots song*
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  • tfw you've had 12 shots of troonshine and whip out the duct-tape scepter

    b r u h
    tfw you've had 12 shots of troonshine and whip out the duct-tape scepter b r u h
    9 Comments 0 Shares
  • That awkward moment when you catch someone taking creepshots of you in a waiting room but you can't do or say anything because you have no proof and taking his phone away to delete them is illegal.
    That awkward moment when you catch someone taking creepshots of you in a waiting room but you can't do or say anything because you have no proof and taking his phone away to delete them is illegal.
    2 Comments 0 Shares
  • So one night at my apartment center I’m outside smoking a cig as usual and I hear gun shots and well wouldn’t you know it was a BB gun or something on a house that’s being built for a father and son that are needy which really sucks cause ppl should be all about being decent but not too many ppl believing in helping each other out which sucks… STOP BEING SCUM OF THE EARTH AND JUST BE DECENT TO EACH OTHER STOP BEING FUCKING CUNT TARDS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP BEING A DOUCHE BAG

    I guess it’s goons for life
    So one night at my apartment center I’m outside smoking a cig as usual and I hear gun shots and well wouldn’t you know it was a BB gun or something on a house that’s being built for a father and son that are needy which really sucks cause ppl should be all about being decent but not too many ppl believing in helping each other out which sucks… STOP BEING SCUM OF THE EARTH AND JUST BE DECENT TO EACH OTHER STOP BEING FUCKING CUNT TARDS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP BEING A DOUCHE BAG I guess it’s goons for life
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  • Some of my modelling shots #model #goth #alt #alternative
    Some of my modelling shots #model #goth #alt #alternative
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