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  • Learn from the mistakes of people who took your advice. -Any fucking modern day influencer
    Learn from the mistakes of people who took your advice. -Any fucking modern day influencer
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    0 Comments 0 Shares 173 Views
  • #BasharAlAssad #Bashar_al_Assad #Bashar #BasharAssad #Bashar_Assad #bashar_al #Basharalasad #Bashar_AlAssad
    #Putin #VladimirPutin #Syria #SyrianCivilWar #SyriaCrisis #SyrianConflict #SyriaWar
    #BasharAlAssad #Bashar_al_Assad #Bashar #BasharAssad #Bashar_Assad #bashar_al #Basharalasad #Bashar_AlAssad #Putin #VladimirPutin #Syria #SyrianCivilWar #SyriaCrisis #SyrianConflict #SyriaWar
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  • #HannahKobayashi #Kobayashi #Kidnapping #Missing #MissingPerson #Conspiracy #ConspiracyTheory #conspiracytheories #hackers #twinflames #cult
    #HannahKobayashi #Kobayashi #Kidnapping #Missing #MissingPerson #Conspiracy #ConspiracyTheory #conspiracytheories #hackers #twinflames #cult https://betches.com/hannah-kobayashi-disappearance-timeline-theories-updates/
    TikTok Sleuths Are Tracking The Disappearance Of Hannah Kobayashi — Here's What We Know
    Hannah Kobayashi, a 30-year-old from Hawaii, is missing and true crime TikTok sleuths have their own theories. Here's what we know so far.
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  • #Germany #Bundeswehr #Deutschland #war #Krieg #NATO #OTAN #NATOFORUKRAINE #RussianUkrainianWar #RussiaUkraineConflict #RussianArmy #UkraineRussiaWar️️ #UkrainianRussianWar #Ukrainekrieg #Ukraine #invasion #secret_plan #German_Operation_Plan
    #Germany #Bundeswehr #Deutschland #war #Krieg #NATO #OTAN #NATOFORUKRAINE #RussianUkrainianWar #RussiaUkraineConflict #RussianArmy #UkraineRussiaWar️️ #UkrainianRussianWar #Ukrainekrieg #Ukraine #invasion #secret_plan #German_Operation_Plan https://mil.in.ua/en/news/german-companies-are-advised-to-prepare-for-war/
    German companies are advised to prepare for war
    Germany's largest companies are being advised to prepare for a possible war with Russia
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  • Probably the most influental Finnish band ever.
    Probably the most influental Finnish band ever.
    2 Comments 0 Shares 400 Views
  • Have you ever had that nagging sensation that you're out of place among the wrong people? Lately, I've struggled to find any opportunities at the place where I live. It feels like months have gone by with only empty promises from work, leaving me burnt out and unable to enjoy even the simplest pleasures.

    I can't shake this profound loneliness I've experienced for weeks, and it's perplexing since I’m in a relationship. It's odd when you are being told that they are here for you and to try to respond to this as often as possible on the same level, even when your social battery is depleted, yet still feel so utterly isolated. The depths of my depression have made it hard to get out of bed for days, with tears flowing freely.

    Am I misguided in my expectations of what a relationship should be? When I realize that a house is on fire, for example, and I hear some calls for help, I try to rescue this person from it if possible and don’t avoid it because it might be too “hot.” I believe in stepping into the flames to support those I love, to hold their hand as we navigate the chaos together. Yet, here I am, feeling like I’m trapped in my own burning house while my partner stands outside, unsure whether to come in or watch from a distance.

    I’m left feeling so conflicted… I love my partner deeply, yet I also feel profoundly abandoned and overlooked. I want to believe that love can withstand these moments of despair, that we can face life’s struggles as a team. But the distance created by unspoken words and unmet expectations feels like an insurmountable wall between us.

    I often wonder if I’m asking for too much—if my desire for connection is unreasonable in a world that often seems too chaotic to handle. Shouldn't a partner be a safe haven, a source of comfort during the storm? Or am I just searching for validation in all the wrong places?

    The fear of losing that connection, of being vulnerable and showing my true self, holds me back. There are days I crave honesty, but what if that honesty exposes too much? What if it reveals the depths of my struggles, and in response, all I receive is pity instead of understanding?
    Have you ever had that nagging sensation that you're out of place among the wrong people? Lately, I've struggled to find any opportunities at the place where I live. It feels like months have gone by with only empty promises from work, leaving me burnt out and unable to enjoy even the simplest pleasures. I can't shake this profound loneliness I've experienced for weeks, and it's perplexing since I’m in a relationship. It's odd when you are being told that they are here for you and to try to respond to this as often as possible on the same level, even when your social battery is depleted, yet still feel so utterly isolated. The depths of my depression have made it hard to get out of bed for days, with tears flowing freely. Am I misguided in my expectations of what a relationship should be? When I realize that a house is on fire, for example, and I hear some calls for help, I try to rescue this person from it if possible and don’t avoid it because it might be too “hot.” I believe in stepping into the flames to support those I love, to hold their hand as we navigate the chaos together. Yet, here I am, feeling like I’m trapped in my own burning house while my partner stands outside, unsure whether to come in or watch from a distance. I’m left feeling so conflicted… I love my partner deeply, yet I also feel profoundly abandoned and overlooked. I want to believe that love can withstand these moments of despair, that we can face life’s struggles as a team. But the distance created by unspoken words and unmet expectations feels like an insurmountable wall between us. I often wonder if I’m asking for too much—if my desire for connection is unreasonable in a world that often seems too chaotic to handle. Shouldn't a partner be a safe haven, a source of comfort during the storm? Or am I just searching for validation in all the wrong places? The fear of losing that connection, of being vulnerable and showing my true self, holds me back. There are days I crave honesty, but what if that honesty exposes too much? What if it reveals the depths of my struggles, and in response, all I receive is pity instead of understanding?
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  • Went to a pumpkin patch today, Did the corn maze and the prize was four peices of candy but I still had a lot of fun
    Ft: Cute lil bees on the flowers at the sunflower field
    Went to a pumpkin patch today, Did the corn maze and the prize was four peices of candy 😭 but I still had a lot of fun Ft: Cute lil bees on the flowers at the sunflower field
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  • There is a baby buried by my father in law that we have been bringing things for including a solar powered sunflower light pointed at her stone so she has a night light. We had noticed no one was checking on her. Yesterday we were visiting family and her and her grave still had the light from us there as well as a bunch of new decorations! So glad to see someone else paying her some attention
    There is a baby buried by my father in law that we have been bringing things for including a solar powered sunflower 🌻 light pointed at her stone so she has a night light. We had noticed no one was checking on her. Yesterday we were visiting family and her and her grave still had the light from us there as well as a bunch of new decorations! So glad to see someone else paying her some attention 💕
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  • Pumped up and exhausted....so conflicted.
    Pumped up and exhausted....so conflicted.
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