Since my eyes have been playing big time games with me, I guess it's time to start wearing my glasses more often. I don't think they look bad or anything I just don't wear them very often because most of the time I forget to be honest because I'm not used to wearing them. Anyway here's a few selfies maybe a actual photoshoot later. Right now it's mushi-shi time #nomakeupselfie #damnedeyes #glassesstyle #selflovechallenge #feelinmyselftoday #dayaftertrip #lookinggeekylicous #imageeknotanerd #animeavid #mushishianime
Since my eyes have been playing big time games with me, I guess it's time to start wearing my glasses more often. I don't think they look bad or anything 🤩 I just don't wear them very often because most of the time I forget to be honest because I'm not used to wearing them🤣. Anyway here's a few selfies maybe a actual photoshoot later. Right now it's mushi-shi time #nomakeupselfie #damnedeyes #glassesstyle #selflovechallenge✨ #feelinmyselftoday #dayaftertrip #lookinggeekylicous #imageeknotanerd #animeavid #mushishianime