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  • My mother was in love with David Coverdale back in the day. I can't judge her taste in men. She did get knocked up by my father, before all!

    My mother was in love with David Coverdale back in the day. I can't judge her taste in men. She did get knocked up by my father, before all! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtznhhKOW5k
    1 Comments 0 Shares 135 Views
  • “You know who else doesn’t need an education? Crack whores.” -My father circa 1987
    “You know who else doesn’t need an education? Crack whores.” -My father circa 1987
    0 Comments 0 Shares 133 Views
  • The turkey was never really a serious consideration for our national bird. The founding fathers were brilliant, but they also drank heavily and had a frat boy sense of humor that bordered on reckless abandon. Not quite as majestic like the eagle, but just as tasty with cranberry and stuffing
    The turkey was never really a serious consideration for our national bird. The founding fathers were brilliant, but they also drank heavily and had a frat boy sense of humor that bordered on reckless abandon. Not quite as majestic like the eagle, but just as tasty with cranberry and stuffing
    0 Comments 0 Shares 411 Views
  • I Go! AGAINST the Father
    I Go! AGAINST the Father
    0 Comments 0 Shares 131 Views
  • After a certain point bands like Slaughter to Prevail become monotonous and gimmicky. Like dude where's the groove and the melody? Why bother having lyrics when you can't understand anything? Heavy for the sake of heavy just leads to audio fatigue.
    After a certain point bands like Slaughter to Prevail become monotonous and gimmicky. Like dude where's the groove and the melody? Why bother having lyrics when you can't understand anything? Heavy for the sake of heavy just leads to audio fatigue.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 694 Views
  • There is a baby buried by my father in law that we have been bringing things for including a solar powered sunflower light pointed at her stone so she has a night light. We had noticed no one was checking on her. Yesterday we were visiting family and her and her grave still had the light from us there as well as a bunch of new decorations! So glad to see someone else paying her some attention
    There is a baby buried by my father in law that we have been bringing things for including a solar powered sunflower 🌻 light pointed at her stone so she has a night light. We had noticed no one was checking on her. Yesterday we were visiting family and her and her grave still had the light from us there as well as a bunch of new decorations! So glad to see someone else paying her some attention 💕
    0 Comments 0 Shares 867 Views
  • I wonder if pregnant women ever stop to fathom that they're possibly hosting a teeny-tiny penis inside of them.
    I wonder if pregnant women ever stop to fathom that they're possibly hosting a teeny-tiny penis inside of them.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 336 Views
  • Big tiddie solutions: partaking in a legally grey substance in the form of a vape at a concert? Blow the vapor in your cleavage so it doesn't go in anyone's face.

    On a related note, if anyone finds a video of a fat chick at a Sisters of Mercy concert in a Dolly Parton crop top blowing pot vapors into her tiddies, please tag me. Im curious how many of those people actually took video.
    Big tiddie solutions: partaking in a legally grey substance in the form of a vape at a concert? Blow the vapor in your cleavage so it doesn't go in anyone's face. On a related note, if anyone finds a video of a fat chick at a Sisters of Mercy concert in a Dolly Parton crop top blowing pot vapors into her tiddies, please tag me. Im curious how many of those people actually took video.
    4 Comments 0 Shares 380 Views
  • I can't tell if my bed broke because it was badly made or because I'm fat. Either way, I'm joining weight watchers.
    I can't tell if my bed broke because it was badly made or because I'm fat. Either way, I'm joining weight watchers.
    3 Comments 0 Shares 263 Views
  • #retro #music #videogames #fallout
    #retro #music #videogames #fallout https://youtu.be/dJo0JucQeo4?list=PL8hfLYv-w-0lCmkNg3GyJ3-FaT82dLcm0
    0 Comments 0 Shares 471 Views
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